Fate and Fury
Page 8

 Quinn Loftis

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Peri began to whisper under her breath, calling on the elements, drawing power to her through the life in the forest. It was harder than it should have been, but she knew that this was because of the evil that Mona had unleashed. Dark clouds began to gather overhead and they were suddenly enveloped in the murky forest with no light to show their way.
What the heck is going on? Cynthia yelled over the wind that began to whip and whirl around them.
Peri continued to chant so low that she could not be heard as she began to bring down rain. Lightning crashed all around, and thunder shook the ground beneath them. They all stumbled as they tried to stay upright and though Jacques magically floating cot didnt need a steadying hand, Peri grabbed onto it anyway.
Peri called on the lighting again and sent it crashing down so close to the group that it briefly lit up the woods around them. Each saw the fear written on the faces of their friends. Peri continued to crash lighting around them lighting their way as she yelled for them to follow her. She ran through the pelting rain and tried to feel bad for scaring them, but she knew it was for their own good. She ran until she found the large rocks that she had been looking for. There was a large overhang that they could crowd under and wait out the supposed natural storm.
They all took cover and turned to watch the lighting dance and the thunder boom. The ladies shivered from the cold rain and tried to huddle together for warmth. After an hour, Peri began to try to calm the storm. She immediately became worried. The storm no longer heeded her command. The thunder and lightning continued, unabated. The rain continued to pelt their makeshift shelter. I swear if I think the word worry one more time Im going to stab my own eye out with a spoon, she thought to herself, as she began to hunt for the magic that was thwarting herthe magic that was now controlling her storm.
Chapter 4
You dont realize the sacrifice you are willing to make until your child is in need of you. You dont realize that you are truly capable destroying the world around you, crushing anything that gets in your path, bringing your enemies to their knees until you learn that the one thing that your world revolves around is being ripped from you. God help the one who gets in my way. Is it possible that even God might not be able to protect them from my wrath?
~ Dillon Jacobs
I know it sounds crazy, Dillon, but its true. Wadim implored Jacques father, and the Alpha of the Denver pack. He had called the American Alpha at the request of Skender, who, in Vasiles and the other top wolves absence was carrying much on his shoulders.
Youre telling me that the Great Luna contacted you? Dillon asked, incredulously.
Like I said, I know it sounds crazy. Shes calling the packs.
The packs? Dillons voice was tight withapprehension.
As in all of them. Wadim confirmed. She gave the Fae moonstone. You know what that means.
She means to have the Fae call us with it, Dillons words were not a question.
The line was silent as they each thought about the ramifications of what was about to happen. Dillon knew the situation must be dire if the packs were going to be together in one location. There had been such division among them for so long he wasnt sure how they would be together without dominance posturing and bloody fights. It was quite possibly going to be the biggest damn disaster in their history.
Who else knows about this? Dillon asked.
Only the Fae, myself, and now you.
Once the Fae use the magic of the moonstone none of us will be able to resist the call. Dillon knew he wasnt saying anything Wadim didnt already know, he just felt the need to voice it, almost as if saying it out loud might help prepare him for the inevitable.
Theres something else, Wadims voice dropped. I havent heard from Vasile or Decebel since they left.
They went traipsing off, attempting to take on this witch on their own. What the hell did you expect to happen? Dillon growled. Contrary to what you all believe Vasile is not invincible.
Wadim returned the Alphas growl. Hes handling a situation that should be all of our responsibility. You never should have left.
He told us to leave! Dillon snarled.
Youre an Alpha. You knew what he was taking on. You knew that this could affect more than just the Romanian Grey Wolves pack. Its your job to discern when you are needed, so dont preach to me about whether we hold Vasile in too high esteem.
Are you giving me orders? Dillons voice was low and challenging.
Im only telling you what you refuse to acknowledge. This isnt a Romanian pack problem. This is an all packs problem. You are needed. All of us, are needed and the Alphas are going to have to step up and set an example for their pack mates.
You arent telling me anything I dont know Wadim, Dillon let out a frustrated breath. I will begin to gather my most dominant wolves. Give me a couple days and well be on our way.
Though Wadim knew Dillon couldnt see him, he closed his eyes in relief.
Wadim, do you know if Jacque is alright? Dillon didnt mask the worry in his voice.
Wadim didnt answer right away. Finally, he breathed a resigned sigh.
She was with the others, I have no idea what has become of them. So, to be honest, I dont have a clue. Im sorry to have to tell you that.