Howl For It
Page 18

 Shelly Laurenston

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She grabbed his T-shirt and held on. If he tried to make a run for it now, hed have to drag her along with him.
He glanced down at her hands and back to her face. What are you doing?
Darla took a deep breath and tightened her grip on his shirt. Gettin what I want.
No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
He couldnt do this.
Well, that was a lie. He could do this. He wanted to do this. But he shouldnt. Right? It would be wrong. Right? Someone tell him it would be wrong!
But it was just Eggie and Darla Mae. And she didnt seem real ready to tell him much of anything at the moment. Instead she was moving toward him, leaning into him, her gaze focused on his mouth.
Lord, her hands were so soft and her face so pretty.
Plus he just liked her. He liked when she was cranky because someone was rude. Or when she was going on about politics or going on about that damn womens libber stuff. He found her interesting and oh so sweet.
Too sweet to fuck?
Well, the way she was now kissing his jaw, he was no longer so sure. And in another few seconds, hed no longer care.
Her soft hand pressed against his mouth and she shook her head.
No, she said, her voice low. Dont say anything. Just kiss me. Please.
It was the please that did him in. That ripped away his need to be what hed heard termed a nice guy.
Eggie framed her face with his hands, his thumbs brushing her cheeks, his fingers lightly gripping the back of her neck. He leaned down, but stopped just before touching her mouth with his. Took a moment to revel in that feeling of anticipation. That feeling of electricity that played between them. It was just so powerful.
Her hands gripped his biceps, fingers digging into the muscle. She wanted him. This sweet, adorable She-wolf wanted him. In Eggies estimation, that was pure evidence of God.
Finally, unable to wait a second longer, Eggie kissed her. And he knew in an instant that this had been the She-wolf hed been waiting for his whole entire life.
Eggie kissed her, his tongue slipping between her lips. He still tasted like her lemon meringue pie, and her recipe had never tasted better.
Darla wrapped her arms around his neck and tilted her head to the side so that Eggie could easily go deeper. He did and she loved it.
Although not at all what Darla expected, this was turning out to be the softest, sweetest kiss shed ever had. And she wanted more. Much more.
Darla grabbed hold of the bottom of Eggies T-shirt and lifted. She pulled out of their kiss so she could draw the shirt over his head. Biting her lip, she let her gaze roam over all that hard flesh, her fingers itching to touch and explore. Noting that he was waiting forher to make the first move, she did. She pulled off her own T-shirt. Since she never bothered to wear a bra anywaysomething that went against all her mothers ladylike sensibilitiesshe immediately reached for him, wanting to feel his body against hers.
Eggie stepped closer and Darla put her arms over his shoulders and arched her back so her chest pressed into his. She heard him growl a little, and then he was kissing her again. This time it was a little more desperate. Okay, a lot more. And Darla loved it. She kissed him back, her body getting hot, her nipples hard.
Darla reached for Eggies jeans and thats when he pulled back, catching hold of her hands and stopping them.
Wait . . . um . . . He was panting, his eyes closed. Good. This was good. Panting was good, right?
Eyes still closed, Eggie licked his lips, took a breath, then asked, Do you wanna have my baby?
Although it was hard, Darla decided not to panic at that question, and instead asked one of her own. Do you mean right this second?
Eggies eyes opened and he peered at her. Huh?
She raised her brows because she really didnt know what he was trying to ask her.
Oh. He blinked. Oh! Eggie shook his head. He was still panting, so that was still good, right? I meant . . . well . . . um . . . I got some . . . upstairs . . . in my bag . . . and . . . ya know . . . um . . .
Darla thought a moment and asked, Are you talking about condoms?
Lord, he looked absolutely mortified.
Yeah. Condoms.
Its okay to mention them. We are about to have sex.
Yeah, but . . . youre a virgin.
Hopefully not for much longer. Then she grinned, showing her teeth. It made him laugh and she watched him relax a little.
I just dont want to scare you
Because you have a bag full of condoms?
I do not have a bag full of condoms. Just a few. When youre stationed overseas, the militarys big about making sure their Marines
Have bags full of condoms?
At that point she could see hed given up and she laughingly pushed him, Go get them. Now.
Okay. He nodded. Okay. Ill go get them. He spun away from her and quickly walked out of the kitchen. A few seconds later he came right back. Do you see what youre doing to me? he demanded.
And before she could answer, he picked her up and carried her out of the kitchen. About to go all the way upstairs, get the damn condoms, and come all the way back down to get you. Youre making me insane!