Craving Constellations
Page 45

 Nicole Jacquelyn

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He traced the lines of my tattoo across my stomach. “I know, baby. I know what you need.”
He kept speaking quietly as I thrashed on the bed, none of my movements putting his hands where I needed them. When I could finally feel a fine sheen of sweat on my body, he slammed two of his fingers into me, and I let out a strangled yell as I came.
“You needed that, yeah?” He chuckled at my throat.
Before I could catch my breath, his forearms were pinning my thighs uncomfortably wide on the bed. He had dropped his head, using his tongue to build me up again. I couldn’t even protest. I was so sensitive that it was painful, but I wanted more. I wanted everything. It only took a few minutes before my body started to tense, my hamstrings burning from the pressure of Dragon’s forearms keeping my straining muscles still. Before I could come, Dragon climbed off the bed and flipped me over, so I was lying on my stomach. Then, he grabbed my hips and slid me toward where he was standing at the end of the bed.
“No, Brenna.” His voice was raspy with arousal. “Keep your legs on the bed. Feet at the edge.”
I pulled my knees up and under me to keep my legs on the bed, but I wasn’t quite sure what he had in mind until he reached under me and spread my knees wide. If I were standing, it would have looked like a crouch, but as it was, I figured I probably looked more like a frog. My feet were soles up on each side of my ass, and he’d pushed down on the small of my back, so my head and shoulders were arched toward the bed. It wasn’t uncomfortable really, just a strange position to hold for any length of time.
I didn’t know what all of the fuss was about until he pulled up lightly on my hips, making the position even harder to hold as my thighs screamed for relief. All discomfort was forgotten though as he grabbed one of my shoulders and positioned himself at my opening.
“Hold on, Brenna,” was all the warning I got before he slid inside me in one hard stroke.
I felt my back arch at the intrusion, but soon, the surprise turned into want as I grabbed the sheets above my head for any traction I could find. It felt as if he was moving me across the bed, but he still stood at the foot, so I knew in the back of my mind that I was staying in one spot. I soon realized why Dragon had chosen this position. I was helpless with my legs spread wide with no handhold for my arms. I had to just take whatever he gave me, spread wide open and gasping for breath. He felt so good pushing and pulling that I could hear noises coming from the back of my throat, and I didn’t even try to stop them. I could feel him tracing where we met with his fingers, and I was vaguely wondering what we looked like at that angle when he used one of his wet fingers to slide gently into my ass. After that, I detonated, and I was barely aware of when he came. He gently straightened out my legs and cleaned me up, but I was drowsy, floating in a sea of euphoria that I didn’t want to leave. So, I just let him do his thing and curled up next to him to sleep.
I woke up about an hour later to Dragon staring up at the ceiling of our room. I couldn’t read his expression, but if he was wide-awake in the middle of the night, I knew it couldn’t be good. I stretched against him to get his attention, and he looked down at me with a smile.
“Mmmm,” I hummed into his chest. “I liked that.”
“Know you did.” His chest shook with a quiet chuckle, which immediately irritated me.
“Cocky. Maybe I hated it. How would you know?”
“Bren, you came. Twice. Your thighs were fucking soaked.” I dug my chin into his chest, but I quickly stopped when I remembered his bruises.
When he mumbled, “Shit, so were mine,” I thought about doing it again.
He grabbed my chin before I could push my head down and held my eyes. “Layin’ there, lettin’ me do whatever I wanted…” He smiled slyly.
“I don’t just lie there!”
“Yeah, you do.”
“If I just lay there like a bump on a log, why don’t you go back to that club skank you were with?” I asked with attitude, my eyebrows lifted toward my hairline.
“Brenna, you have absolutely no fuckin’ clue,” he told me, shaking his head.
Before I could pull myself away from him, the hand around my torso tightened.
“It’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen, watching you take me. Not sayin’ you’re a bump on a log, for fuck’s sake. You trust me to give it to you. You know I will, and you let me do it. I know you haven’t been with many men, but let me tell you, that ain’t how it usually is. You’re so fuckin’ sexy layin’ there, sayin’ my name, makin’ those noises you make. Wouldn’t trade that for anything. Yeah?” He squeezed me in emphasis.
“Okay,” I answered meekly, feeling like an ass for getting pissy when he was trying to give me a compliment.
“Go to sleep. Gotta get up early, so I can fuck you again before Trix gets home.”
I curled back against him and sighed. Morning was going to bring the nightmare back, but for that moment, I was wrapped up in Dragon, and I could breathe easy.
I woke up the next morning to Dragon’s hands all over my body as he slid into me from behind. The night before had been all sweaty, hard, and breathless, but this was almost the opposite. It was lazy and drowsy as we barely moved, rocking against each other. As I came, my body straightened, almost severing our connection, until Dragon pushed hard against my upper back, bending me forward and off the pillows. By the time he was finished, my head was almost completely hanging off the side of the bed, my hair pushed forward and covering most of my face.