Page 44

 Natasha Boyd

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Shaking, I finally released the last button revealing his boxers. Instinctively, I slid my hand inside and curled it around his length. Call me a hussy, but I needed to know what I was in for.
Oh, my.
Jack hissed out a breath and grabbed my wrist.
“I want to touch you.” I pouted with a small smile over my nerves.
“You will. You can. But I promise you I don’t need any help right now. I’m so fucking turned on, I can hardly see straight.”
His words punched into my gut and set my slow boil into overdrive. I could not believe, in this moment, that I held so much power. I hurriedly pushed his jeans down his thighs, and before he could move to assist me, I shoved his shorts down, too. A dark swirling tattoo snaked around his hip, but I didn’t pay attention to that. I was more interested in what else I had revealed.
Jack immediately pushed me back on the bed and kissed me hungrily.
I gasped into his mouth at the amazing feel of his skin against mine, his weight settling on me and between my legs.
Pushing down my bra, Jack’s tongue found my nipple. Within moments I was literally writhing under him. I arched up, whimpering more as the movement caused his erection to press against my damp core.
He rocked against me and it felt like heaven. Then he made his way south, kissing down my stomach, stopping to dip his tongue into my belly button. My nerves ratcheted up.
Dead focused, Jack slowly peeled my panties down my legs. The look on his face sent my pulse into overdrive.
I was panting and completely not in control of my body’s reactions. I stilled, and he unhooked the last foot from my underwear and slowly ran his hands up my legs, parting them firmly as he went, his eyes, and then his mouth following the movement. His touch was a trail of fire up the inside of my thigh.
Shifting, Jack settled himself more firmly between my legs. Okay, now I was a little embarrassed. I squirmed and tensed as I watched his green eyes drink in the sight.
“God, you’re beautiful,” Jack groaned, and before I could have second thoughts, his mouth came down on me.
I cried out, bucking against him, causing his hands to grip my thighs more firmly to keep them in place. His tongue flicked over me.
Oh my God!
I squeezed my eyes shut as if that would help contain my reaction. It just served to focus all my senses on what he was doing to me. I was almost catatonic with pleasure and sensation, my body tight and prickly as if my skin couldn’t hold the feelings inside me.
His mouth was hot, his tongue coaxing and exploring. And then his hands joined his mouth, and he eased a finger inside me.
I grabbed fistfuls of the sheets. I wanted him to stop but I didn’t. I wanted to watch him, but I couldn’t. It was like sliding headlong toward the edge of a cliff hoping to hell there was a soft landing. I was completely lost to sensation as he loved me with his tongue and his fingers.
He seemed to touch some deep and magical place inside me, because suddenly the cliff was there, and I was crying out as I flew out over the edge, arching my hips up into his mouth.
“Oh God, oh God, oh God,” I gasped.
“No shit,” Jack said, his voice rough, his breath sawing in and out, matching mine.
He placed a lingering kiss on my thigh, left the bed a moment, and then he was back, holding me as I still shuddered, kissing my eyelids until I willed them open.
The sight of Jack above me, his gray green eyes darkened with passion and staring into mine, his weight on me, was too much for me to handle. I tried to swallow over the lump in my throat as I reached up and ran a hand across his beautiful cheekbones. He closed his eyes and let out a long breath.
“Where’d you go?” I whispered.
“Protection.” He swallowed hard and loud and opened his eyes. He held my gaze as his body rocked forward and I felt his heavy arousal sliding against my wetness. “I’m scared I’ll hurt you.”
I opened my legs wider and wrapped one around him. “I was never one to pull a band aid off slowly. Besides, we could be struck by lightning right now and I don’t think I’d feel it or care. I want you inside me, Jack. Now. Not slowly, but like right now.”
“Aahh, God, Keri Ann,” he croaked. Then he lowered his mouth to mine and at the same time he rocked back and then forward as he eased himself into me, stretching me, filling me. I forgot to breathe. It felt amazing, like coming home, and I wanted more. I knew he was afraid to hurt me, and I knew he might, but I didn’t care. I rocked up, throwing my other leg up around him so he had no choice. He gave in, groaning and plunging his tongue into my mouth in a searing kiss that tasted of my passion. At the same time his hips rocked forward, taking me completely.
“Jeeesssssus,” Jack rasped.
A sharp pain wrenched my mouth from Jack’s. For a moment I was winded, but I kept him locked to me with my legs. I didn’t want him stopping.
“God, Keri Ann, I’m so sorry.”
I opened my eyes to see his tortured face. I shook my head as I couldn’t trust myself to speak. The pain was over, but the feeling of Jack inside me, filling me so completely—heart, body and soul—was almost too much for me. I squeezed my eyes shut to stop the emotion I knew would well up and spill out. A traitorous drop of moisture leaked out the side of my lashes. Shit. I turned my head. I really was an emotional virgin. I had to say something quickly before he thought I didn’t want this. Instead of talking, I turned back and grasped his neck pulling him back down to me and kissed him deeply.
Jack kissed me back and I slowly rocked my hips against his until he responded. His mouth left mine and his warm tongue licked the place my tear had escaped.
“Open your eyes,” Jack whispered.
I complied and met his deep and searching gaze.
“You okay?” His breathing was irregular, and I could feel the quivering tension in his body under my hands.
“Yes,” I breathed. “More than okay. This feels ... you feel ... ” I wasn’t sure how to describe what I was feeling.
“Amazing,” Jack finished with a small smile, rocking into me again, harder this time. I gasped and captured my lower lip with my teeth, nodding in agreement.
He held my gaze, his hips moving back and forth, and I stared into his eyes with wonder, matching his strokes, as this new sensation took hold of me.
I noticed all the small changes of his face as the things he was feeling became etched across his features. I saw the tiny beads of sweat on his upper lip and the flush on his cheekbones. I saw the crease in his brow and heard his breathing as he gritted his teeth. His arms and body quivered with tension and restraint as he braced himself above me. Then his movements picked up speed and became slightly erratic.
I wasn’t sure what was more erotic, the feeling of Jack sliding in and out of me or watching him lose the last vestiges of his control, but suddenly it didn’t matter because I was right there with him. I tried to keep my eyes open, but the tide of feeling building inside me was as familiar as it was utterly foreign. I gasped under the onslaught, squeezing my eyes shut and writhing up to meet his thrusts.
“Look at me,” Jack rasped out. I snapped my eyes open, not really seeing anything beyond what I was feeling. Except, I saw him shift up slightly and felt, as his hand came between us, his fingers sliding over my sensitive and swollen flesh. The last thing I heard was Jack’s rough voice saying, “Come for me, Keri Ann,” and then, as I complied, “Holy shit.”