Fear Us
Page 29

 B.B. Reid

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He gripped the back of my neck with a tight squeeze, silencing my smart retort. It was a move no one else seemed to notice as the others had formed a plan on how to get Kennedy back.
My gaze fell on a picture of her I took last summer during her first trip to the beach. She had been in love with the water. I could still hear the sound of her tinkling laughter as she pointed at the surfers and yelled, “My turn,” at the top of her lungs. She never forgot that trip and almost every day she’d asked for the beach. I had planned to take her again after graduation.
I didn’t realize I was hyperventilating until I was being lifted in strong arms and carried away from the worried gazes.
“I got her, man,” Keenan gruffly stated. Dash had probably stood to come to my rescue just as an older brother should.
But when Keenan managed to get me in my bedroom and lay me down on the bed, I wondered how good of a brother he actually was.
I sat up quickly and looked around as if my bedroom was a foreign place. “Why am I in here?”
“You were having a panic attack.”
“I’m fine now.”
“Are you sure?” His concern surprised me. A week ago, he had sung a different tune and now he was helping me?
“I’d like to be alone.” That was only partially true. Alone was the last thing I needed right now, but neither did I want to be in his company. I couldn’t stand the silence and the void the empty apartment created without Kennedy.
When he walked out and slowly shut my bedroom door behind him, I was relieved and partly amazed at how easy it was to get rid of him. I lay back against the pillows and closed my eyes.
Maybe he had gotten over his anger.
I’VE BEEN PLANNING for this moment all week long. After two days of searching for Kennedy high and low, I had to rethink my strategy. With Keiran in jail once again, I called up Quentin for intel on the organization that enslaved them both fourteen years ago. Four years ago, they were completely eradicated, and the major players, as well as many of the minor players, were now serving hard time in prison. That didn’t leave many answers left.
Mitch was the likely bet on who took Kennedy and why.
He was after money, and since he couldn’t possibly claim any money with both of her parents alive, it left only one solution.
He would sell her.
But to who?
The leader of the child enslavement ring was murdered in prison shortly after his arrest.
Everyone was currently huddled around the dining table, peering over Jesse’s shoulder who was already typing away on his computer that looked like it shouldn’t belong in an ordinary citizen’s possession.
Quentin had suggested we enlist his help based on the work he did for Keiran years ago. Apparently, he was a wiz with a laptop and internet connection. He was currently an intelligence contractor working for large corporations and the military to help find and bury information.
After high school, Quentin had enrolled straight in the Army and completed two tours in four years. He always seemed to be on the go as if he was running from someone or something. I guess we all had demons though I wouldn’t doubt that his were more fucked up than mine were.
“How’s she doing?”
“She’s fine. She’s lying down to rest and thinks everyone should give her some space.”
“Everyone or just you?” Dash asked.
“Do you want to say what you have to say so you can finally get your panties out of a bunch?”
“Motherfucker, I don’t want to say anything to you, but what I do want is to beat you into an early grave for what you did to my sister.”
“What happened between me and her is none of your business, and your sister can take care of herself. Actually, I take that back. Clearly she can’t, but no worries… Daddy’s home.”
No sooner had I spoke the words Dash was on me. His fist nearly broke my jaw on impact, and I crashed into the wall behind me but quickly recovered. I battled with whether or not to return the favor and effectively ruin our friendship forever, but when he caught my jaw again, I threw caution to the wind.
I pushed forward and used his momentum with my strength to flip him over my shoulder, sending him crashing into the wall behind me. When I twisted around, he was already on his feet. Looking at him, no one would ever guess he was becoming one of this country’s most powerful businessmen, but I was ready for him.
Dash’s next move was thwarted by Quentin putting him in a headlock. Jesse had stepped forward between the two of us, and I had just noticed Lake’s hand on my arm.