Into the Wilderness
Page 247

 Sara Donati

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Kitty had turned her attention to Elizabeth, her pale eyes hooded.
"There was no word of Richard in Albany." It was a statement rather than a question.
"I am afraid not."
A lip curled down in gentle disbelief. "Really? You are disappointed not to have met him there?"
Elizabeth produced something that was meant to be a smile, determined not to lose her composure or temper. "I have brought you a few things from Albany." She gestured to the basket Nathaniel had put down near the door. "I hope they will be of use."
There was a notable silence.
"I will be in Albany to testify when the time comes," Kitty said. "When Richard is back. He will buy me what I require then."
Because she did not know whether she should be affronted at such bad manners, or rightfully rebuked for having presumed that Kitty would accept any token from her, Elizabeth glanced away. On Nathaniel's face there was wariness: he did not want Kitty—or anyone here—to know about the new court date, and the repercussions if Richard were not to appear. With some misgivings, Elizabeth swallowed down what she most wanted to say.
He saw what was on her mind, and rose to end the visit. "I am sure he will, Kitty. In the meantime, we got you some odds and ends to tide you over. Boots, they'll be waiting for us."
Hannah dropped a small curtsy before Kitty. "Did you know that Polly and Benjamin are getting married?" she asked. "We're going to the party. Do you want to come?"
Kitty turned away to look out the window, her narrow back straight and her shoulders held so stiffly that Elizabeth thought a single touch might cause her to shatter.
Walking away from the house, Elizabeth had the sense of the empty windows at her back, as vacant as blind eyes.
* * *
It was Samuel Hench who gave Nathaniel and Elizabeth the news that Judge Middleton and his son had left for Albany just that afternoon. For once, Curiosity seemed not to know about the judge's movements, and seeing the joyous faces in the parlor, Elizabeth understood her distraction.
"I thought perhaps that ye would not know," Samuel said, his face troubled. "It did seem strange to me that they should go off so suddenly."
"Never mind, man." Nathaniel clapped him on the shoulder. "Let's not ruin the party for the others."
The reasoning was sound, but Elizabeth could hardly put the idea of her father and brother on their way to Albany out of her head. Most certainly her cousin had mentioned their meeting at Judge van der Poole's; Julian had reasoned out the rest for himself. She sighed, and turning, walked straight into Curiosity's arms.
"I knew you'd be here," Curiosity said with a smile. "Come say hello."
The night air was distinctly cold and much of the party was gathered around the hearth: Polly and Benjamin, looking dazed but happy, Daisy with some sewing in her lap, and a tall, sturdy man introduced to Elizabeth as Joshua.
"We met a friend of yours in the bush," Nathaniel said by way of greeting.
Joshua seemed to be perhaps thirty, although the hair on his closely shorn skull was tinged with gray. He had mellow brown eyes and a steady gaze. "Yes, sir, so I've been told. I would appreciate the opportunity to talk to you about that, after the party."
Elizabeth followed his glance toward the young people by the hearth. Polly and Benjamin were talking to Hannah, but Daisy's attention was fixed solidly on her sewing. This struck Elizabeth as strange; then Daisy glanced up and Elizabeth saw the brightness of her eye, and the look in it when she turned her gaze to Joshua.
"Yes, this is not the time," Elizabeth agreed.
Joshua sat down again across from Daisy, who dropped her head over her work. Elizabeth elbowed Nathaniel neatly to cut off any comment that might be forthcoming, and she sought out Curiosity, who winked at her meaningfully.
"He ain't going anyplace," Galileo announced. "The judge's going to set him up. We been without a smith since Asa Pierce came out on the wrong side of a disagreement with that bear, and Joshua is looking for work."
"What very good news!" Elizabeth caught her cousin's eye and smiled broadly.
"Good things come to them who wait, ain't that so, Elizabeth?" Curiosity called. She was putting a bowl of butter beans on the table and she straightened up to survey the collection of platters and servers. "Hannah child, you must be hungry. George, Manny, put down them dominoes now, and come eat. Even happy stomachs need food," she said in the direction of the hearth. "Mr. Hench, will you do us the honor of starting?"
* * *
They learned that the wedding party was set for the next Saturday afternoon, to which Hannah promptly called out: "Oh, no!"
"Saturday next doesn't suit you, Missy Hannah?" Galileo asked solemnly. "Why is that?"
Hannah ducked her head and apologized for her outburst.
"We have the school recitation planned for Saturday evening," Elizabeth explained. "But of course we shall find another time for that."
"No need," Polly said, tugging on Hannah's plait. "A wedding don't take very long, after all. Don't you like the idea of two parties in one day?"
"Our Hannah likes her parties spread out, generous like," Nathaniel said. "She doesn't like to tire herself out with her admirers."
"I don't see any problem with both things on the Saturday, if you don't, Miz Elizabeth." Benjamin raised his voice to be heard over the good—natured laughter.