Island of Glass
Page 98

 Nora Roberts

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He took the ring back. “Are you going to give me your hand?”
“Damn right I am.”
“It’s called the Stone of Glass. I don’t know what the hell it actually is.”
“I’ll be finding out.” It astonished her that her eyes stung, that she had to fight back tears. “And I can tell everybody you’re a cheap bastard, and it’s glass.”
“Bet you would.” He slid it on her finger. “You’re stuck now.”
Annika applauded. “Kiss her, Doyle! You need to kiss her now.”
“Yeah, kiss me, Doyle.” Despite the dress, Riley boosted up, wrapped her legs around his waist. “And make it good.”
He made it very good.
A royal celebration required fancy, Riley discovered. She also discovered Annika was a force of nature when the mermaid’s mind was set.
She banished the men, decreeing the women would dress together.
“It’s special,” Annika insisted as she patiently fastened what seemed like half a million buttons on the back of Riley’s gown. “When we have a special celebration, my sisters and I prepare together. You’re my sisters.” She rested her cheek on the back of Riley’s head. “I’ll miss you so.”
“Don’t cry.” Alarmed, Riley turned. “We won. We saved the worlds.”
“We’re still going to see each other.” Sasha moved in for a hard group hug. “We’re a clan, remember? We’ll come to your island, and Bran will make your pool so you can come to us. And we’ll all go to wherever Riley and Doyle are.”
“It’s an oath.”
“Pinky swear.” Riley held up her pinky. “A very serious oath.” She took Annika’s, hooked it, and Sasha added hers. “Done. I love you guys, sincerely. And I’m going to need regular Sawyer and Bran fixes.”
“Could I have a favor?” Annika asked.
Sasha kissed her cheek. “You have only to ask.”
“I’m very excited for the celebration here, but . . . Could we have one of our own? Just us, when we go back to Bran’s? A night for the six of us, without worry and weapons, before I go back to the sea?”
“That is a most excellent idea.” Riley looked at Sasha. “You up for that?”
“Absolutely. Biggest and best celebration ever.”
“And done again. Okay, Anni, how about the big reveal?” Riley gestured to the mirror Annika had covered with a tapestry.
“Oh, yes.” But first she gave her friends a long study, and a nod of approval. Then swept the tapestry aside with a flourish. “We are beautiful!”
“Whoa.” Riley blinked.
She’d seen her companions, of course, Annika in a gown of blues and greens as iridescent as her mermaid’s tail with her hair a glory of sleek braids streaming down her back. And Sasha, hair in long, soft waves over a fluid gown of silvery blue. But she barely recognized herself in the fitted gown the color of crushed rose petals with a glimmering gold underskirt.
She touched a hand to her hair—Annika had managed to fluff and curl and add some style.
“We’re rocking it.” She slid an arm around Sasha’s waist as Annika did the same. Joining them. “We’re badasses who clean up really well.”
“Badasses,” Annika repeated and laughed. “Beautiful badasses.”
“That’s who we are.” Riley shot a finger at their reflection. “Let’s go party.”
She figured the endless primping time worth the effort when she saw Doyle’s face. And more when he took her hand, bowed over it, kissed it. “Warrior queen. Mine.”
“You look pretty good yourself.” She brushed her fingers over his doublet of dull silver. “Ready to do this thing?”
He offered his arm, and though she laughed, she laid hers on it so they walked, all six, up the wide stairs.
People in their finery crowded the ballroom where tables groaned with food on platters of silver and gold. Lights sparkled from the ceiling, massive candles glowed, and jeweled trees shined in air scented with the perfume of masses of white flowers.
Doors and windows stood open wide to bring the sound of music and celebration from outside in.
As the six entered, conversation stopped. At some signal, the happy din from outside stilled. Men dropped to one knee; women swept into deep curtsies. And the queen rose from her chair, walked to them.
“Tonight we honor heroes.” She curtsied before them, head bowed. “Your names, your deeds will be remembered for all time, and celebrated on this night through the ages. You, and all who come from you, will be welcome here, always.”
She rose, took Bran’s hand, took Sasha’s. “Bran Killian, Sasha Riggs. You have only to ask.”
“I’ve been given more than I ever dared to wish. I found myself,” Sasha told her. “And love. And family.”
“I have my heart.” Bran brought Sasha’s other hand to his heart. “Brothers, sisters. What I am, what I have, is stronger for it.”
“You are well matched. When it comes my time for a life mate, I hope to find such harmony. Our blessings on you.”
She turned to Sawyer and Annika, took their hands. “Sawyer King, Annika of the waters, you have only to ask.”
“Everything I could want is right here with me,” Sawyer said. “I don’t travel alone anymore.”