Let Me Love You
Page 21

 Megan Smith

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“Yeah, maybe.”
“Alright, later.”
I look over at Jaylinn who’s now awake and looking over at me. I lie back down in bed and pull her close. She snuggles up against me and throws a leg over one of mine.
“Kenz had the baby in the middle of the night. Want to head over to the hospital when Ryder gets up?”
Jaylinn nods her head and starts drawing circles on my bare stomach. We lie there just holding each other in comfortable silence. I thought Jaylinn had fallen back to sleep but then she sighs.
I slide my hand around her neck and pull her face to mine, “We’re okay.” I kiss her forehead. “I heard what you said to your mom and yeah it kinda felt like a kick in the gut but I realize it’s my fault.”
Jaylinn sighs deeply and confirms that she needed to hear that we’re still ok. “One step at a time.” Jaylinn lays her head back down on my chest.
She lifts her head and looks at me again. “I love you, Cooper.”
“I love you too. You’ll forever be my always Jay, don’t ever doubt that, ok?”
Jaylinn smiles. I kiss her forehead and tuck her head back down on my chest, hoping she knows I’m serious by the erratic beat of my heart.
A few minutes later Ryder starts crying for his dad. Jaylinn gets up to use the bathroom while I go and get him from his crib.
I push open the door and my nephew is standing up in his crib. I walk over to him and when he sees me he instantly calms down.
“Hey big guy.” I take him out of the crib and lay him down on his changing table. I go about changing his diaper and his clothes. Jaylinn walks in and snakes her arms around my stomach and lays her head on my back.
“You want to head over to the hospital now?” I ask her.
Ryder starts babbling “Dada.”
Jaylinn steps to the side of me and tussles Ryder’s hair. “Yes, we are going to see dada.”
An hour later, after both Jaylinn and I have showered, we head over to the hospital. We sign in and stop at the gift shop and get flowers and a teddy bear.
We knock before walking in MacKenzie’s room.
“Come in.” MacKenzie calls out.
We push the door open and Ryder yells, “Dada,” then throws his hands out for Hunter. He’s such a daddy’s boy.
I set Ryder down and he totters to Hunter who is holding his new bundle of joy. “Hey Ry,” Hunter greets his son.
Hunter holds the baby out to me so that he can pick up Ryder. I cradle her to my chest and Jaylinn stands in front of me on her tiptoes so she can get a good look.
“Olivia Grace, meet your Aunt Jaylinn and Uncle Cooper.” MacKenzie says from her hospital bed, looking just as beautiful as always.
“Oh my God, Cooper, look at her.” Jaylinn croons.
I smile, looking down at her. “She’s perfect just like her mom.”
Olivia is the tiniest little thing I’ve ever seen, much smaller then I remember Ryder being. She’s wrapped tightly in a white, blue and pink blanket with a matching hat with a bow on the front.
Jaylinn walks over and gives MacKenzie a hug and a kiss. “She’s gorgeous Kenzie.”
“Thanks.” MacKenzie says with a yawn. “Sorry, I’ve barely slept.”
“How much does the little princess weigh?” Jaylinn asks.
MacKenzie looks over to me holding Olivia. “She’s six pounds four ounces, and eighteen and a half inches long.”
Jaylinn walks back over and takes the baby from me while I go and hug my sister. “Congrats Kenz, she’s beautiful.” MacKenzie holds me to her a bit before letting go. “How are you feeling?”
She rubs a hand over her still protruding stomach, “A little sore from the surgery but they just gave me some pain medicine so I’ll be better soon.” She looks over to Hunter who is holding Ryder and showing him the view out the window.
“You ready for the craziness?” I ask, nodding in their direction.
“Oh yeah, Ryder’s going to be a good big brother just like my brothers were.” MacKenzie winks at me.
Jaylinn brings Olivia over to MacKenzie then wraps her arms around me. “We’ll head downstairs and grab some lunch or something and give you guys a little bit of family time.”
MacKenzie looks over to Ryder and Hunter. Hunter is pointing to the baby, “That’s your little sister, big guy.”
Jaylinn and I excuse ourselves and go find the cafeteria. Since our little talk this morning things seem to be a bit better between us.
“So, are we still going out for New Year’s?” Jaylinn questions me.
“Yeah, you still want to?”
“Of course, just wanted to make sure you did since Kenzie had the baby and all.”
I shrug, “Yeah, it’ll be fine. Mom and Dad will take Ryder for the night if they need help.”
We sit and talk about Jaylinn’s upcoming class schedule and the spring soccer camp that she volunteers for. About a half hour or so has passed and we decide it’s time to go get Ryder and let his parents get some rest.
Before we know it, it’s New Year’s Eve and Jaylinn and I are getting ready for our night out with Jackson and Chloe. MacKenzie is home from the hospital now and is doing well. We all agreed that we would meet at their house later tonight seeing as Olivia is too little to take out. Mason was entirely against the idea of leaving his house since the doctor put Hailey on bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy, but she wasn’t having it. Mason lost that battle after Hailey called the doctor and put Mason on the phone and they assured him that as long as she kept her feet up and was relaxed, she would be fine.
Jackson and Chloe are all meeting here at my place and heading over to Oceans for a few hours. I’ve already showered and pre-gaming downstairs while Jaylinn is still upstairs getting ready. When I was in the shower earlier Jaylinn snuck in and placed a red tie around the hanger that held my black button down and blue jeans. I took the hint that she wanted me to wear it.
There is a knock on the door, I tip my head back and take my shot before going over and letting Chloe and Jackson in.
Chloe is standing there looking hot in her silver little dress and stilettos. Her hair is up and her make-up is heavy.
“Let me in, jackass,” Chloe says, pushing me out of the way. “It’s f**king freezing.”
Jackson follows behind her, watching her walk. “You know, I told her that if she wore some damn clothes that wouldn’t be an issue. Does it look like she listened to me?”
Chloe turns and narrows her eyes at Jackson. “It wasn’t an issue when you were trying to cop a feel was it?”