Mister Slaughter
The world of Colonial America comes vibrantly to life in this masterful new historical thriller by Robert McCammon. The latest entry in the popular Matthew Corbett series, which began with Speaks the Nightbird and continued in The Queen of Bedlam, Mister Slaughter opens in the emerging metropolis of New York City in 1702, and proceeds to take both Matthew and the reader on an unforgettable journey of horror, violence, and personal discovery. The journey begins when Matthew, now an apprentice "problem solver" for the London-based Herrald Agency, accepts an unusual and hazardous commission. Together with his colleague, Hudson Greathouse, he agrees to escort the notorious mass murderer Tyranthus Slaughter from an asylum outside Philadelphia to the docks of New York. Along the way, Slaughter makes his captors a surprising - and extremely tempting - offer. Mister Slaughter is at once a classic portrait of an archetypal serial killer and an exquisitely detailed account of a fledgling nation still in the process of inventing itself.
Chapter List (35 chapters)
PaRT ONE: The Monster's Tooth Chapter One
PaRT ONE: The Monster's Tooth Chapter Two
PaRT ONE: The Monster's Tooth Chapter Three
PaRT ONE: The Monster's Tooth Chapter Four
PaRT ONE: The Monster's Tooth Chapter Five
PaRT TWO: The Valley of Destruction Chapter Six
PaRT TWO: The Valley of Destruction Chapter Seven
PaRT TWO: The Valley of Destruction Chapter Eight
PaRT TWO: The Valley of Destruction Chapter Nine
PaRT TWO: The Valley of Destruction Chapter Ten
PaRT TWO: The Valley of Destruction Chapter Eleven
PaRT TWO: The Valley of Destruction Chapter Twelve
PaRT TWO: The Valley of Destruction Chapter Thirteen
PaRT THREE: Time Stops for the Englishman Chapter Fourteen
PaRT THREE: Time Stops for the Englishman Chapter Fifteen
PaRT THREE: Time Stops for the Englishman Chapter Sixteen
PaRT THREE: Time Stops for the Englishman Chapter Seventeen
PaRT THREE: Time Stops for the Englishman Chapter Eighteen
PaRT THREE: Time Stops for the Englishman Chapter Nineteen
PaRT THREE: Time Stops for the Englishman Chapter Twenty
PaRT FOUR: Rattlesnake Country Chapter Twenty-One
PaRT FOUR: Rattlesnake Country Chapter Twenty-Two
PaRT FOUR: Rattlesnake Country Chapter Twenty-Three
PaRT FOUR: Rattlesnake Country Chapter Twenty-Four
PaRT FOUR: Rattlesnake Country Chapter Twenty-Five
PaRT FIVE: The Road to Paradise Chapter Twenty-Six
PaRT FIVE: The Road to Paradise Chapter Twenty-Seven
PaRT FIVE: The Road to Paradise Chapter Twenty-Eight
PaRT FIVE: The Road to Paradise Chapter Twenty-Nine
PaRT FIVE: The Road to Paradise Chapter Thirty