Page 9

 Lauren Dane

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“My. I think I’ll be the cleanest wolf ever when you’re finished.”
“As long as your insides stay dirty, I’m fine with that.”
“Yeah?” A soap-slicked hand wrapped around his c**k and began to slowly ride up and down the shaft.
His eyes dropped closed as he lazily accepted her touch. She added a second hand.
Each hand slid up from the root of him, over the crown and head, and as the other followed to make the same path the seeds of his orgasm were sown and sensation began to build. Her scent rose on the steam, tightening his body.
Her sole focus was on him and pride burst through his senses. This beautiful, vibrant woman gave herself to him, made his pleasure her goal, and he’d never felt more amazing.
“Honey, let’s get into the bedroom.” His need to be inside her ramped up and his control hung by a thread. Knowing he’d have to share her, even for something as natural and necessary as the tri-bond, drove his need to have her, mark her, before his cousin arrived.
She stepped out and toweled off as he picked her up. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she teased them both, sliding her pu**y over his cock.
“Still naughty on the inside, I see.” Sid tossed her on the bed and she laughed as she bounced.
“With you, I seem to have a limitless supply.”
“Oh good. I’m glad to know I bring the goods into this relationship.”
She held her hand out to him. “Come on then. Do me before I start going crazy.”
Shaking his head, he fell to the mattress next to her. “Don’t joke! Damn it, Layla, I was so worried about you. Tia told me where you were. She’s worried too. My cousin will be here. No, not Adam. Shane. Shane is a good guy, probably my closest male relative other than my oldest brother. He spent many summers with us when I was growing up. My brothers are all much older than I am, Shane was one of my only other cousins who was near to my age. I trust him with my life, god knows he and I got into enough trouble as teenagers. His mom is human, his dad is a werewolf. He didn’t really grow up in a Pack so my parents were sort of in charge of his education as a werewolf.
It’s a very long story but she—his mom—lives in Portland and he’s been visiting her on break from school. He goes to medical school at UCLA. Anyway, he’s on his way up from Portland. We’ve got some alone time for now.”
Pushing him back against the bed, Layla rolled atop him and rained kisses on his neck and over his chest. “Okay. I’m not happy about this. I know, I know it’s necessary and all. I can feel myself losing my grip already. I’m more irrational than I normally am.
But you know, I’d rather have a fun threesome, not some rigid, forced thing.”
“Layla, after this, there’ll be no more threesomes.” His voice was a growl and the ferocity of it sent shivers down her spine. “You’re mine. I don’t relish the idea of you being with anyone else either. But it’s our reality and what we need to do to keep you safe if something should happen to me. And so let’s just make the best of it. I’ll stay here if you don’t mind. I can’t bear the thought of it happening and not knowing.”
Shimmying down his torso, she let her hair trail over his skin as she kissed and licked over his stomach. She surrounded his c**k with her br**sts and he groaned.
His hands slid through her hair and cradled her skull. “You’re suddenly so important to me. Three days ago I didn’t even know you and now you’re everything.”
“Hmmm. A girl could get used to hearing stuff like that.” Moving down further, she licked the head of him, tasting the salty spice of his pr**cum.
“Oh yeah, well, a guy could get used to that too.”
Moving to kneel between his thighs, she bent on all fours and took him into her mouth. She loved the taste of him, the feel of his skin as she licked over him.
The hot slick of her mouth on his c**k began to pool sensation at the base of his spine. He’d never felt anything like it, the slide of her tongue against him. Watching down his body, he was mesmerized by the dreamy sway of her ass, each knob of her spine down the curve of her creamy back. She was exquisite, the sexiest thing he’d ever seen and felt.
He let her continue to suck his cock, watching her mouth, feeling his balls tighten against his body, knowing his climax was approaching. Each draw of her mouth and swirl of her tongue was another step higher.
Waiting until he teetered just on the edge of coming, he gently pulled her back.
“Wait, honey. I want that sweet pu**y around me when I come. Ride me, Layla.”
Scrambling up his body quickly, she knelt over him and reached back to guide him true. That moment, suspended just above him, her hand around the girth of his cock, the expectancy of it, was sweet. She felt the heat of her pu**y just above her hand and the hardness of his c**k would soon fill her.
She let the anticipation build, feeling herself grow even wetter, her clit throbbing in time with her heart. Catching her bottom lip in her teeth, she looked down into his face, watching his pupils widen and the steady beat of his pulse at his neck.
“You’re going to kill me.”
“Wouldn’t want that. I need you alive for your cock.” Her voice was teasing as she slowly sank down onto him.
Sensation shot up her spine. Pleasure filled her, electric and hot, his c**k the source.
She arched her back to take him deeper, feeling the head nudge against her cervix as she lowered herself down on him over and over.