Sweet Possession
Page 43

 J. Daniels

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I see glimpses of her sister shining through. The way she focuses on her task but still keeps the conversation going, not allowing for a dull moment. The way she reaches over and brushes the flour off my cheek I had absentmindedly smudged on. But most of all, I see it in the way she tears up when she asks me to recount how Reese proposed to me. Juls always has the waterworks on reserve, especially for romantic moments. And Reese’s proposal can never be topped, in my opinion. So even though I spend the afternoon with Brooke Wicks, it feels like Julianna Thomas is standing next to me.
I’m wiping off my worktop after putting away all my baking supplies. Joey and Brooke left a little while ago, and the shop is quiet.
Too quiet for me right now.
I’m antsy, and the anticipation of Reese getting back and hopefully returning with that same smile plastered on his face is making me fidget. I’m trying to stay busy, but I’m certain I’ve wiped down my worktop at least five times now. If it isn’t disinfected at this point, it never will be.
At the sound of the shop door opening, I lift my head and glance through the doorway. Reese comes walking into the kitchen, his tie loosened and his sleeves rolled up to mid-forearm.
I drop the rag on the worktop, spinning around and greeting him with a smile. He’s storming toward me with purpose, determination in each step. I grip the edge of the wood, recognizing the feverish look in his eyes. My lips part, but not to speak because I can’t. Not when I know he’s about to kiss me, and I know that’s what he’s about to do. My mouth becomes parched as he presses his body against mine, his hands flattening on the wood behind me. Boxing me in. Keeping me right where he wants me.
His mouth molds to mine with desperation, rendering me speechless. I tremble against him as his tongue invades my mouth, easily gaining entry. I lift my hands to hold him to me but only get halfway up my body before he grabs my wrists and slams my hands back down on the worktop.
“No, love. It’s your turn not to touch me.”
“What? No, let me touch.”
He shakes his head, releasing my wrists. I keep my hands where he’s put them and watch as he reaches up and undoes his tie.
I know what’s coming. I know I’m about to get my last look before he does whatever the hell he wants with me.
God, how fucking lucky am I?
“Wait,” I plead as he holds his tie between both hands, ready to take away my sight. He tilts his head, waiting for me to speak. I hit him with a smile first, loosening the tightness that’s set in his face. “Tell me what’s going on? What was the phone call about earlier?”
He keeps the tie in one hand and brings the other up to my face. I lean into it, blinking heavily as he moves closer. “Do you remember when you asked me if I worked with Bryce? Because you didn’t want to have to see him if you came to visit me?” I nod, thinking back to that day on Reese’s couch. “The thought of some guy making you uncomfortable drove me insane. Even then, I was so possessive over you I would’ve killed him if he so much as looked at you again. I shot him down every time he wanted to hire me after that. I didn’t want to be near him. But then I found something.” He takes his hand off my face and rakes it through his hair. “I was looking through the file I had on him and something caught my attention. Bryce is a smart guy. He’s successful with his investments, but some of his figures weren’t adding up. He told us the last time Ian and I worked with him that people donate to his company. Anonymously. Which can happen but he had a lot of donations and the figures weren’t small. I showed it to Ian and told him if Bryce asked to hire us again, I wanted that account.”

“You thought he was doing something illegal?” I ask.
“I knew he was doing something illegal. But I needed access to all of his monies to prove it. So I’ve just been biding my time, hoping he would pursue our company to work with him again. I didn’t know if it was going to happen. I turned him down a lot after I met you, but he finally came to us.” He reaches out and tucks my hair behind my ear. “I took a major risk in working with him. I knew he’d try to get to you once he got around me again. Bryce likes to push people’s buttons, and he’s good at it. Every fucking time I met with him, he brought you up, but I couldn’t react. I couldn’t lose that account when I didn’t have what I needed yet. Ian got this guy, some private investigator, to work with us. I was supplying him with what I thought could bring Bryce down, but he was taking forever with it. He kept needing more documents or telling me what I gave him couldn’t be deemed illegal. I was getting impatient. I couldn’t have something happen to you.” Both hands grab my shoulders. “It killed me to work with him, Dylan. You have to know that.”
“I know. It’s okay.”
“It’s not okay.” His hands slide down so that he’s gripping my elbows. “I saw what he did to you in that elevator. After Joey told me he touched you, I called security and asked to see the surveillance footage. I saw how you reacted to him. And I fucking saw him touch you.” His eyes close tight momentarily. I reach up and touch his cheek, seeing them flash open. “I lost it. I searched that entire building for him. I didn’t know if he was still there but I knew if I found him, I’d kill him. Ian tried to calm me down but I didn’t want to hear it. He touched you. He touched what was mine. And it was my fault. I brought him back around. I put my need to get to him before you. And I hated myself for it.”
“It wasn’t your fault. You didn’t bring him back around. Joey told me the other day that Bryce had stopped in the shop a few times before you took on that account with him. He was always there. You were trying to protect me. Don’t ever hate yourself for that.”
He sighs heavily and rubs his eyes. “I’m honestly glad I didn’t know he’s been in here. Thank you for not telling me about that.”
“You’re welcome,” I say, biting back my smile. “I hate keeping stuff from you, too.”
“Well, it doesn’t matter anymore. That phone call I got earlier was from the PI. He discovered that Bryce has been embezzling funds from clients’ accounts. That’s what all those anonymous donations were. I had to go into the office to give him everything I had on Bryce. He’s done. I fucking got him.”
I feel a lightness take over my body, like the biggest weight has been lifted off my shoulders. “He’s getting arrested?”
He nods. “He’s looking at twenty-five years.” He presses himself against me again, wrapping his arms around my waist. “I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you. The PI told us we couldn’t say anything to anybody. It fucking killed me to keep that from you, but I needed this to work. I needed to do something that would keep him away from you permanently, and killing him wasn’t an option.”
“Thank you for what you did.”
He brings our foreheads together. “I will always protect you, Dylan. We might not be married yet, but I said my vows to you a long time ago.”
I reach around and slide the tie out of his hand, holding it between us. “And I will always trust you. With everything. Including what you’re about to do to me.”
He takes the tie from me as all the softness fades from his features. I see the transformation happen immediately, like a switch has been flipped inside him. The predatory shift in his eyes. The way his nostrils flare and his jaw twitches just below his temple. This is dominant Reese. This is the man who takes what he wants and right now, I’m his target.