The Complete Robot
THE COMPLETE ROBOT is the definitive anthology of Asimov's stunning visions of a robotic future…
In these stories, Isaac Asimov creates the Three Laws of Robotics and ushers in the Robot Age: when Earth is ruled by master-machines and when robots are more human than mankind.
As well as TN-3 (Tony), AL-76 and other robots, the stories feature the staff of US Robots and Mechanical Men Inc., and in particular the chief robot-psychologist, the steely Dr Susan Calvin who is in many ways more robot-like than her subjects.
THE COMPLETE ROBOT is the ultimate collection of timeless, amazing and amusing robot stories from the greatest science fiction writer of all time, offering golden insights into robot thought processes. Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics were programmed into real computers thirty years ago at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - with surprising results. Readers of today still have many surprises in store...
Chapter List (32 chapters)
Some Non-human Robots Introduction
Some Non-human Robots A Boy's Best Friend
Some Non-human Robots Sally
Some Non-human Robots Someday
Some Immobile Robots Point of View
Some Immobile Robots Think!
Some Immobile Robots True Love
Some Metallic Robots Robot AL-76 Goes Astray
Some Metallic Robots Victory Unintentional
Some Metallic Robots Stranger in Paradise
Some Metallic Robots Light Verse
Some Metallic Robots Segregationist
Some Metallic Robots Robbie
Some Humanoid Robots Let's Get Together
Some Humanoid Robots Mirror Image
Some Humanoid Robots The Tercentenary Incident
Powell and Donovan First Law
Powell and Donovan Runaround
Powell and Donovan Reason
Powell and Donovan Catch That Rabbit
Susan Calvin Liar!
Susan Calvin Satisfaction Guaranteed
Susan Calvin Lenny
Susan Calvin Galley Slave
Susan Calvin Little Lost Robot
Susan Calvin Risk
Susan Calvin Escape!
Susan Calvin Evidence
Susan Calvin The Evitable Conflict
Susan Calvin Feminine Intuition