The Halfling's Gem
"He left this," Pellman continued, handing the tiny pouch to Wulfgar. "And bade me to tell you that he will await your arrival in Calimport." Wulfgar held the pouch tentatively, as if expecting it to explode in his face. "Our thanks," Drizzt told Pellman. "We will tell our associate that you performed the task admirably." Pellman nodded and bowed, turning away as he did so, to return to his duties. Drizzt led Wulfgar off to the side, out of plain view. Seeing the barbarian's paling look, he took the tiny pouch and gingerly loosened the draw string, holding it as far away as possible. With a shrug to Wulfgar, who had moved a cautious step away, Drizzt brought the pouch down to his belt level and peeked in. Wulfgar moved closer, curious and concerned when he saw Drizzt's shoulders droop. The drow looked to him in helpless resignation and inverted the pouch, revealing its contents.
Chapter List (27 chapters)
1. Tower of Twilight
2. A Thousand Thousand Little Candles
3. Conyberry's Pride
4. The City of Splendors
5. Ashes
6. Baldur's Gate
7. Stirrings
8. A Plain Brown Wrapper
9. Fiery Riddles
10. The Weight of a Kings Mantle
11. Hot Winds
12. Comrades
13. Paying the Piper
14. Dancing Snakes
15. The Guide
16. Never a Fouler Place
17. Impossible Loyalties
18. Double Talker
19. Tricks and Traps
20. Black and White
21. Where No Sun Shines
22. The Rift
23. If Ever You Loved Catti-brie
24. Interplanar Goo
25. A Walk in the Sun