Thirty-Six and a Half Motives
Page 32

 Denise Grover Swank

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“One more thing, Skeeter,” I said, and he cast a glance in my direction. “Anna hates me. She’s sweet to everyone else, but she doesn’t bother to hide the fact that she doesn’t like me.”
“Why would you keep her as your employee if she’s disrespectful?”
“I rarely work at the nursery, and Violet really likes her.” I shrugged. “As long as she’s doin’ a good job, there’s no reason to let her go. I’ll talk to her tomorrow.”
“No. Let me do it.”
I narrowed my eyes. “You? Do you think scaring her is the best way to go about it?”
“Who says I’m gonna scare her?”
“Have you seen yourself?” I asked, rolling my eyes. “You’re intimidating.”
He grunted. “She knows me. And I know what to ask. I’m the one who should talk to her.”
“Fine, but we need to come up with some kind of plan.” I looked around at the landscape. “Where are we going?”
“I told you. The safe house.”
“This isn’t the way. It’s south of town.”
“Another one.”
“How many safe houses do you have anyway?”
“As many as I need.”
The safe house turned out to be a farmhouse set a good ways back from the road. As soon as Skeeter pulled into the driveway, the front door flew open and Neely Kate ran out, meeting me halfway to the door. Muffy came flying out behind her.
Neely Kate hugged me so tight I could barely breathe, and Muffy jumped around my legs.
“Oh, my stars and garters, Rose.” My best friend squeezed me again. “You scared the snot out of me.”
“I’m fine.”
She released her hold and looked me up and down. “Jed said Merv was shot.”
I nodded as I bent down and picked up my dog, rubbing her head. “More than once. I don’t know how bad he got hit the second time. Skeeter wouldn’t elaborate.”
She looped her arm through mine and pulled me into the house. “From what little Jed said, I think he’s gonna be okay.”
Skeeter followed, but he stayed several steps behind, giving us space.
Jed stood in the doorway, looking very much like a guard with his holster slung over his shoulder. His expression was grim, but he gave me a nod when I walked past him.
This place was nicer than the ramshackle cabin we’d stayed in last week. The other safe house had looked like it either needed to be disinfected or torched. The farmhouse had a shabby-chic décor that was actually homey.
“Thank God you weren’t hurt,” Neely Kate said. “Joe was worried.”
That reminded me of Joe’s phone call. “Merv wasn’t the only person who got shot tonight, Neely Kate.”
She turned to face me, her eyes wide. “Who else?”
I took a breath, my nerves starting to catch up with me. “Deputy Miller.”
She gasped. “What? How?”
“J.R. escaped and Deputy Miller was on duty. Joe said that he and another deputy and an EMT were shot by J.R.’s men. Deputy Miller’s in surgery, and they’re not sure he’s gonna make it.”
“Oh, no.” Tears filled her eyes.
Suddenly, it was all too much. Mason. Running for my life. Deputy Miller. I couldn’t take one more minute of this day. “I’m exhausted.” I looked back at Skeeter. “Where are we sleepin’?”
As soon as the words left my mouth, I regretted it, expecting Skeeter to make a crude comment. But Jed spoke up before his boss could. “You and Neely Kate are sleeping in the bedroom on the right.”
“I brought some of your things, Rose,” Neely Kate said. “Do you want to take a shower?”
“No. I just want to go to bed.”
“You don’t have to worry,” Skeeter said, catching my gaze. “No one knows about this place, and Jed and I will be taking turns standin’ watch.”
I followed Neely Kate down a short hall and into a small bedroom filled with a white wrought-iron bed, a dresser, and a nightstand with a lamp. The pale blue comforter looked as fluffy as a cloud, and I wanted nothing more than to fall asleep and wake up after everything was said and done.
I shut the door behind me and set Muffy down on the bed.
Neely Kate grabbed a bag off the dresser and handed it to me. “I put your comfy jammies in there. I’m going to go to the bathroom.”
“Thanks.” I found them at the top and changed while she was gone. By the time Neely Kate came back, I was already in bed.
We lay side by side for several long seconds before Neely Kate asked, “Are you really okay?”
Tears stung my eyes, a lump filled my throat, and I choked out the words. “No. I broke up with Mason.”
She gasped and rolled onto her side to face me. “What happened?”
“I don’t know,” I said, trying to hold back my tears. “J.R. called to threaten me this afternoon. Then I called Mason to warn him, and he got peeved that we couldn’t tell Joe.”
“Why couldn’t you?”
“Because then Joe would have insisted on watching me, and Mason had to admit that Jed would do a better job. But he was upset he’d have to compromise his principles . . . for me. I realized that as long as I’m in this mess, and as long as I’m working with Skeeter to fix it, I’m gonna have to keep dragging Mason into situations he can’t handle. So I made it easy for him. I broke up with him.” I rolled over onto my side to face her, tears streaming down my face. “I did it over the phone, Neely Kate. Who does that?”
“Oh, honey,” she said, rubbing my arm. “Obviously this whole situation is far from ideal.”
“I broke his heart, Neely Kate. He thought I was sweet Rose Gardner, but I turned out to be the Lady in Black. How come he hadn’t already broken up with me?”
“Because he loves you?” she asked in a soft, teasing tone.
“He didn’t want to break up, but I told him he’d already made his decision by leaving me and not coming back.” I took a breath and hiccupped a sob. “He was the whole reason I agreed to continue this crazy scheme, but now I’ve lost him.” I struggled to catch my breath. “I love him. I love him so much, but it’s not enough. I’m not enough.”