Thirty-Three and a Half Shenanigans
Page 53

 Denise Grover Swank

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When he hung up the phone, he turned to me. “Joe’s on his way. He’ll be here in a few minutes. Why don’t you let Muffy do her business, and then get into the truck, okay?”
“What are you gonna do?”
“I’m going back inside to look around.”
“Is it safe?”
“I’m sure whoever did this is long gone.”
“Then why are you telling me to get in the truck?” Mason was still hiding something.
“Because I want to make sure you’re safe on the off chance they’re still here.”
“That’s crap, Mason! You should wait for Joe.”
He ignored me, turning his attention to Muffy. She still whined in my arms, and Mason rubbed under her ears. “It’s okay, girl. Your momma’s got you.”
“Why did you call Joe and not just 911?”
His hard face was back. “Because I trust Joe to handle this the right way.”
“Did you call him because you think this has something to do with J.R.?”
His face hardened even further. “We won’t know anything until Joe gets here.” He headed for the door. “Stay out here.”
I wanted to protest, but Muffy was squirming in my arms, so I set her down in the yard. She continued to whimper while she did her business, then hung close to my leg, so I squatted and rubbed the back of her head while watching for Mason’s silhouette in the windows.
The more likely reason behind the break-in was me. Did this have anything to do with my shenanigans with Neely Kate earlier in the day? Had I done this to Muffy? Or maybe Eric at the Burger Shack thought I knew something after my strange behavior the day before. Of course, it could have something to do with Skeeter. He’d told me that someone was after Mason. He’d also told me about Mason’s meeting with his boss before Maeve did. Anger and betrayal rose up inside me at the very thought. But it didn’t make sense . . . Unless I was deluded, he was trying to earn my trust, and besides, what could he possibly want from me other than my “gift”? Anyway, Skeeter Malcolm was smart, so if he’d wanted to break into my house, he wouldn’t have been this obvious about it.
Mason emerged from the house as headlights appeared on the driveway. He walked down the steps toward me.
“You’re supposed to be in the truck,” he said without recrimination.
“It didn’t feel right with you inside and all.”
He tried to give me a reassuring look as the sheriff car parked on the other side of my truck.
“Mason, I’m sorry.”
“Why are you saying you’re sorry?”
“This is probably my fault.” One way or the other, it always was.
He pulled me close. “This isn’t your fault, Rose,” he murmured against my hair. “You’re safe, and Muffy seems to have calmed down. That’s all that matters.”
Joe walked up to Mason and me, all business. He’d changed out of his uniform and was dressed in jeans and a leather coat. I expected Muffy to bolt for him, but she seemed too scared to leave my side, so I picked her up and cuddled her. If Joe noticed the fact that she didn’t run to him, he didn’t comment—instead he honed in on Mason.
Joe started to say something, but Mason interrupted him. “Rose only knows there was a break-in.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked.
They ignored me, Joe’s face hard. “I want to look around.”
Mason nodded. “I haven’t touched anything. Come on in, and I’ll show you.” Mason looked up at me. “Rose, stay outside.”
I put Muffy down, then put my hands on my hips. “No! You tell me what’s going on.”
Mason moved over to me and grabbed my upper arms. “Sweetheart, I really need you to stay outside with Muffy. Once Joe—who, as you know, is trained to go over these things—says it’s clear, then you can come in. Okay?”
I wanted to know what they were hiding, but I figured it would be better to press them for information after they’d looked around. “Okay.”
Relief washed over his face, but he still seemed really worried. “Thank you.”
I glanced up at him, wondering what was inside that was spooking him so, but I let him leave with Joe, who appeared to be getting angrier by the second.
They disappeared into the house, letting the front door gape open. I kept expecting the upstairs lights to turn on, but they never did. That was odd. If we’d been burgled, wouldn’t they look upstairs?
About five minutes later, both men emerged through the front door, and Joe started to yell. He waved his hands around and gave Mason a shove. To my surprise, Mason didn’t try to fight back.
I was up the porch steps faster than a lightning bolt. “Joe McAllister! You get your hands off my boyfriend!”
Joe took several steps back, his chest heaving as he jabbed a finger at Mason. “I told you this was a bad idea!”
Mason didn’t say a word.
“What’s going on?” Fear lodged in my throat. “What’s inside my house? Who broke in and why?”
Neither one of them answered me.
“I have a right to know! Who did I upset this time?”
Mason’s eyes flew open. “Rose, no one’s upset with you. It was me.”
I blinked. “What are you talking about?”
“Whoever broke in went to my office and broke a lock on the desk drawer.”