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 Laurann Dohner

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“It’s okay if you don’t have anything in my size,” she whispered, wishing she’d talked True into staying at home after all.
“No. You will get things.” True didn’t look away from the other male. “She’s a guest here, staying in my home.”
The other male relented by dropping his gaze. “Fine. How long will she be with you?”
The New Species glanced down Jeanie’s body, seeming to size her up. “What is her scent preference?”
“Vanilla and coconut for her hair,” True instantly replied.
It shocked Jeanie that he’d remember what kind of scented shampoo and conditioner she normally used. Species had a great sense of smell but she had showered at their hospital, using their products, before he’d taken her home with him. He retained that information from the past.
“I have that,” the male confirmed. “I can guess her size. I’ll supply her for two weeks but you should go online to order her things. The Gifts do that.” He spun away, disappearing behind a tall shelf.
True turned to her and his smile appeared forced. “He won’t take long.”
“What is a gift?” She kept her voice low.
“Small female Species.”
“Why are they called that?”
A muscle along his jaw strained. “They were created by Mercile to be used as gifts to investors. We’ve retrieved some from information in the few records we recovered.”
“Gifted to investors? What does that mean?”
His beautiful eyes glinted with rage. “They were purposely created smaller and weaker so they couldn’t effectively fight back.” He hesitated. “Mercile was funded by some rich human males who wanted to sexually abuse females. The Gifts being part animal was considered to be a bonus and they paid a lot of money to get them. Most of the records were destroyed, making it difficult to figure out where the money came from and who might have them so we could attempt to rescue the females.”
Jeanie stared up at him as she absorbed his words. She swayed on her feet and might have fallen over if he hadn’t grabbed her hips. “Oh my god.” It sickened her, imagining something so appalling.
“I’m sorry. I should have worded it kinder.”
She gripped his arms, happy for the support. “I destroyed the mainframe computer at Cornas.” She felt sick. “I didn’t know, True. Did I erase information that could have helped find some of them?”
He pulled her against his body. “I don’t know.”
She clung to him, closed her eyes. Her hands slid up his arms to grip his shoulders. Her legs seemed to turn to jelly. “I just wanted to stop the security guards from being able to gas the New Species they held at Cornas.”
“It’s okay.” He rested his chin on the top of her head and wrapped his arms firmly around her waist in a tight hug. “You felt you had no choice. I believe that. You did what you thought was best. You did save their lives.”
But how many did I cost? That question haunted her. She didn’t dare say it aloud. No wonder the task force team wants to know what was on those computers so bad and why they acted as though what I did was such a terrible thing. It might have helped them find some of those women.
Chapter Eleven
Jeanie hated making True worry but she just didn’t have much to say. The New Species at the warehouse had offered to show her what clothing they had in her size but she couldn’t muster any interest. They could have given her grain sacks to wear and she’d have just said thank you. She was in shock.
True had kept hold of her until she’d pulled out of his arms when the other guy had returned. She didn’t want him to have to justify giving her any comfort or possibly getting into another fight. Humans who’d worked for any company associated with Mercile Industries were hated by New Species for good reasons and she had just discovered yet another one.
She shuddered, thinking about men as cruel as Dean Polanitis getting their hands on a Gift New Species. She’d never seen any of them at Drackwood or Cornas but according to True, they weren’t kept inside the facilities. The horror of what those women must suffer left her reeling.
She’d experienced firsthand how horrible the drug testing had been at Drackwood. She hadn’t been sexually assaulted though. To imagine years of sexual abuse at the hands of someone atrocious was a nightmare. She’d rather be beaten and verbally abused than to have some sicko use her to satisfy whatever deviant sexual behavior he could think of.
True carried her back to the golf cart and left her there to retrieve half a dozen bags. She sat very still, not even daring to glance up as vehicles passed. He quickly returned and drove them back to the dorm. The engine shut off.
“Are you all right?”
She forced herself to look up at him. “Why did you save me?”
“I shouldn’t have told you about Gifts. I didn’t know it would upset you this much. Mercile gave them away a long time ago. I doubt Cornas had information on their computers.”
“What if they did?”
“What if they didn’t? You’re upset without knowing if there is a reason.”
She nodded, trying to grab hold of that hope. “Okay.”
“We’ve rescued some of them. Most were long dead by the time we tracked them down.”
He frowned. “I’m not telling you more.”