What's Left of Me
Page 53

 Amanda Maxlyn

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Parker continues to talk to the group as if nothing is out of the ordinary, allowing me to try and monitor my breathing by acting intrigued by the conversation taking place. I’m thankful when Jason says something that causes everyone to burst out in a loud rumble of laughter. It’s that moment that Parker rubs me faster and with just enough force to send me over the edge, letting my muffled cry of pleasure mix with the laughter surrounding us.
Once I’m able to regulate my breathing, Parker leans over and whispers, “Now that just turned my good evening into a f**king fantastic evening.” He gives my temple a soft peck.
When dessert arrives, Genna and I are deep in conversation about some new romantic comedy that’s opening next weekend and how we should go together.
I feel a soft kick from under the table that takes my attention away from Genna. Shannon focuses her gaze across the table on Parker and Bryn. Bryn has her head tilted back, laughing in her annoying high-pitched voice while resting one hand on his and the other on his shoulder.
A surge of anger takes over. Not jealousy, but I don’t like it, and I hate that I’m affected by it. I don’t play dirty, but I can. And I will. I’ll show him just how dirty I can play.
Pushing my chair back, I start to stand.
“Yeah, you go show them who is boss,” Shannon says calmly, and I let out a little giggle.
I don’t like confrontation. I never have. And I won’t start tonight. I’m simply going to stake my claim with Parker, letting Bryn know once and for all who he is interested in. It’s not like working for him and Jason is a real job. Yes, it’s money in my pocket, but I don’t need it. I can walk away anytime. I don’t care about the ramifications. I only care about her keeping her hands off what’s mine.
Parker looks over his shoulder at me and raises his eyebrows. Bryn takes her hand off his shoulder and places it on his chest, patting it lightly to get his attention back on her. I let out an inner happy dance when he places it onto the table, while still looking up at me.
I reach down, resting my hand on the shoulder that Bryn was just touching. Maybe my touch will take away her mark? I wonder why he didn’t shrug Bryn off earlier. I know I’m being childish, but it’s hard dealing with these emotions when I’ve never experienced them.
“Hello,” he whispers, bringing his hand up and locking it behind my neck, pulling my head closer to his. I can feel all eyes on us, and I don’t care. I want everyone to know that I am with Parker.
With his free hand, he reaches for mine, twining our fingers together and joining our lips. It’s a quick, simple, kiss. Pulling back, he looks up into my eyes. No words are needed between us. I know what he’s thinking by his look of desire.
I grip his hand tighter, pulling him up from his seat and away from the group. I have to fight the urge to not look at the table, or at Bryn, as I wrap my arms around his neck, leaning into him for another kiss. He wraps his arms around my lower back and meets me with the same gentle kiss as before. It’s effortless. No tongue. No open mouth. Just our lips touching. Staying locked on one another. It says everything I need it to say. He’s mine.
When we break from the kiss, I look at Bryn. If there was any doubt about the status of our relationship before, it was just erased.
Parker Cade Jackson is mine.
I lead Parker out of the ballroom and back down the webbed hallway toward the elevators. Neither of us speak during the ride to his floor, or when I lead him off the elevator. He takes the lead, pulling me toward his room.
He fumbles with his key card, and I can’t help but laugh.
He holds the door open for me and I enter the pitch black room slowly. I make my way past the small hallway, opening up into the main room, where my eyes land on the king sized bed.
As I turn around to face Parker, I feel him press into my back, exposing just how excited he is. Wrapping his arm around the front of my waist, he pulls me roughly against him, so I’m even closer.
I close my eyes.
“Aundrea,” he breathes out, lowering his head into the crook of my neck while pushing my red hair off my shoulder, exposing my bare skin. My eyes stay closed as I feel his lips come down. Leisurely, he traces small kisses up my neck and behind my ear. “Take this off,” he whispers as he runs his hands up and down my sides.
I open my eyes. I came up here thinking I would be the one in charge, but hearing his low command excites me. It makes me want to do anything he says. I’ll get my turn.
I push off him and begin to walk away slowly.
“Wait,” he calls from behind me.
I stop, not turning to face him.
I can see him out of the corner of my eye as he makes his way over to the bed and sits on the edge, tossing his wallet behind him on the bed.
“Okay, face me.”
I do as I’m told.
“Slowly undress, Aundrea. I want to watch you.”
Placing both hands on my hips, I walk seductively toward Parker. He doesn’t move. He just watches me with hunger in his eyes. The sly grin that’s forming makes me blush.
I’ve never done this before: seduced a man. I’m making up each movement as I go, hoping it doesn’t come off as amateur. It’s not as if I’ve taken Seduction 101.
Standing directly in front of him, I use my knee to push his legs apart so I can stand between them. Reaching behind me, with my eyes glued to his, I pull down the zipper of my dress, bit by bit.
“Jesus,” Parker says under his breath as I let the dress drop freely down my body, exposing my red-lace bra and matching thong.