Wicked Kiss
Page 108

 Michelle Rowen

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Adam Drake. Guilty of the murder of twenty-five victims including his older brother, James. Sentenced to death by hanging for his crimes.
Connor hissed out a breath. “I was told not to say anything. Not until I knew more.”
“And what do you know now?” Bishop’s voice was low and dangerous.
“It’s my father,” I said quietly as the pieces clicked together. “I’m right, aren’t I, Connor? It’s him. He’s the one in control of the Hollow. He’s the one who let Natalie out, who let Marissa out. He’s trying to distract—who? You guys? The city? Everybody? What’s his big plan? What’s he trying to do?”
Connor nodded. “Heaven believes that Nathan used his ability to absorb energy to essentially draw the power of the Hollow into himself fueled by his rage and grief over what happened with Anna.”
“What else does Heaven believe that they didn’t bother to tell me?” Bishop asked.
“This was all decided after you left, so don’t take it personally.” Connor grimaced. “They believe he’s still trapped inside, that absorbing the power of the Hollow changed him in ways that prevent him from escaping.”
“Well, that’s a good thing, right?” Jordan said. “If there’s a badass, hate-filled demon who can suck up energy and kill people with a touch, I think it’s probably good that he can’t get out.”
“If he’s not in the Hollow itself, he’s well hidden. Watching, waiting.” Connor shook his head. “But for what? I haven’t figured that out yet.”
“Natalie and Marissa were tests,” I said, feeling cold.
“I’m sure of it.” Connor nodded. “And we took them both down. Nathan must know this and he’ll...adjust his plans—whatever they are. There’s only one problem I can think of now.”
“Only one?” Jordan regarded him like he’d just grown another head. “Wow, you must be looking at a whole other craptastic situation than the  one I’m looking at.”
Connor eyed her. “Who invited you here again?”
“That would be me.” I tried not to be even slightly amused by Jordan’s bluntness. Everybody was the victim of it, not just me. “So what’s the problem you can see?”
Connor looked directly at me. “You are.”
I gaped at him. “Me?”
“If we’re right about the ultimate threat being Nathan, then he must know you’re here. It’s too big of a coincidence otherwise. Why would he release Natalie into your city in particular?”
Damn. He had a point. A really pointy one.
I felt Bishop’s searing gaze on the side of my face like fire and finally risked a look directly at him.
“You told Connor your secret?”
“Yeah, I told him.”
He groaned. “Fantastic. We definitely need to talk.”
I narrowed my eyes. “Trust me, Bishop. We’re talking, and not only about me being a blabbermouth about my paranormal parentage. I need time to wrap my head around my birth father being the potential big bad of the entire universe. Actually, come to think of it. Let’s talk now.”
Bishop’s brows rose as he regarded me cautiously. “All right.”
“Stay here,” I told Jordan.
Her brows were raised, as well. “Wow, did you just change into your bitch pants? Relax, monster-girl. I won’t budge an inch.”
I sent a dirty look at her then turned to walk down the hall past Bishop and toward the door. I shoved it open and went outside, inhaling the cold air deep into my lungs and trying to do as Jordan suggested and relax.
Yeah, right. That was currently impossible.
The door creaked shut behind Bishop. “Want to fill me in on what’s going on? What are you doing here?”
I let out a long, shaky breath. “In a nutshell? I remembered something Connor said that made me think he knew more than he was letting on. I was right. And I had another vision—another apocalyptic-style one like the one I had the night I met you. The city destroyed, sucked into the Hollow. Nothing left. But there was a voice in my head this time telling me that I was a part of it. That whoever is behind all of this needs my help. It’s my father. It’s him. He’s controlling the Hollow and he’s still driven by grief and hate after losing my mother. He wants revenge.”
“You might be right. But you still shouldn’t have said anything to Connor about what you are.” Bishop’s face was etched in concern and he came closer to me, taking me by my arms to turn me to face him. “It’s too dangerous. If Heaven finds out about your secret...you won’t be safe.”
“Screw secrets,” I blurted out. “Seriously, just screw them. I’m sick of it. Secrets have messed everything up. I have my father’s hunger now. I don’t crave souls anymore like a gray, but I crave supernatural energy just like my father did. That’s how he was able to allegedly suck up the Hollow and mess everything up. And he sent my aunt out to be some sort of a foot soldier for him, to tell me lies and try to get me to join their side. Lies and secrets. They only make everything worse. Know what I mean, Adam?”
“I know it’s been difficult for you, but you have to listen to me. You have to...” His voice trailed off and his blue eyes widened. “What did you just call me?”
The night went quiet all around us so all I could hear was the sound of my heart pounding hard against my rib cage. “Adam.”