Wicked Kiss
Page 117

 Michelle Rowen

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My throat was thick. “Cassandra’s dead.”
He shook his head. “No, she’s not. She was hurt, but she wasn’t dead yet.”
“The Hollow wouldn’t have taken her if she wasn’t a split second from death.”
“But now I know who controls it and can give her back.”
Right. That would be Nathan. “If he promised you that, he was lying. Cassandra’s gone. I wish it was different, too, Roth, but it’s the truth.”
Jordan had gone very quiet, standing off to my left. I wasn’t sure if she’d started trembling due to the temperature or from the subject matter. Likely both.
“Roth, you have served me well tonight,” Nathan said. It was time I stopped thinking of him as Seth, a name I associated with an angel I’d wanted to help. “You will be well rewarded when the time comes.”
“I don’t want any damn reward. All I want is Cassandra returned here like you promised.” His brows drew together. “Is Samantha right? Were you lying to me? Is she...dead? Forever?”
Nathan took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. He didn’t reply to Roth; instead, he directed his attention toward me again. “It’s difficult, being a demon who was once human. There are certain requirements for the job, very few all that pleasant. You know, I’m sure, all about the balance that must be maintained, don’t you, Samantha?”
“It’s all about balance,” I replied.
“So bloody important, this balance. What do they think will happen if something disturbs it? Will the whole universe implode?” Nathan’s lips curled under his beard into a very unpleasant smile. “No. Not the whole universe. Only Heaven and Hell. They believe they are timeless and immortal, but they’re dependent on souls. My sister messed that up—or at least, they saw her as a threat. My kid sister, a threat to Heaven and Hell. They think the same about nexi, Samantha, never doubt it. For two vastly different places, they have many similar goals. Keep the balance, follow the rules, toss out those who don’t toe the line. Destroy those who are a threat or make them too crazy to try to seek revenge.”
“And that’s what you’re doing. Seeking revenge.”
“They did this to me.” His jaw clenched and again he grimaced as if a tremor of unbearable pain rippled through him. The branching lines extended farther like vines traveling over his hands and up his neck to trace his jawline. “And they will feel my wrath like nothing they’ve ever known before.”
I swear, I felt a rumbling beneath my feet like a small earthquake.
Jordan’s gaze darted around as she tried to steady herself on what should have been solid ground. “What was that?”
The image of the city being sucked into the dark vortex made a chill race down my spine. This was the place. This parking lot. This is where the vortex appeared and took everything with it, leaving nothing behind.
Just how powerful was this demon?
“If that’s so, why haven’t you done it already?” I asked, swallowing my fear. “It’s been seventeen years since Anna was killed. Why have you waited this long for revenge?”
His expression tightened at the mention of her name. “You know about Anna.”
“Natalie told me a lot.”
“Of course she did.” His jaw clenched. “Natalie loved to talk. Seventeen years of endless talk. I was glad to finally be rid of her.”
Roth glared at the demon. “You made me a deal. Are you reneging on it?”
Nathan hissed out a breath. “Being burdened with a soul is not an easy thing. Sometimes the madness grips me when I stay here too long. It can’t be helped. If I don’t return to the Hollow right away, I have found other ways to cope.”
He reached out and gripped Roth’s throat.
The demon gasped. “What are you doing?”
Nathan’s eyes glowed red. “Coping.”
Roth dropped to his knees as if the strength had left him in a rush. And I could feel it like a tingling sensation on the surface of my skin—his energy. Nathan was stealing his life energy.
I grabbed Nathan’s arm. “Don’t kill him!”
“If I was trying to kill him, it wouldn’t take this long.” He released the demon who collapsed all the way to the pavement. “Trust me, beautiful star. I have full control over this power. And I have no doubt, you do, too.”
Roth’s chest heaved as Nathan loomed over him.
“The angel is lost to you. Forget her and move on. Trust me, boy, obsession of this kind will only destroy you.”
A moment later, Roth’s eyes closed and he slumped to his side, unconscious.
A cry of fear escaped Jordan’s throat and she stumbled back a few more steps.
Nathan’s gaze tracked to her. “You...you’re the one who has always given Samantha difficulties. Called her names, treated her poorly. Do you want to kill her, Samantha? I can show you how. It will be quick and painless. Or just the opposite—your choice.”
“What?” Jordan yelped. “No, no, not a good idea. I mean, I’ve said some stuff, but so has she. And it’s different now. We have, like, an understanding. We’ve been through a lot together. That means something, right, Samantha?”
Nathan laughed at this, a dry sound still edged in madness, despite his recent meal.
“I don’t want to kill Jordan,” I said evenly. “Just because I’ve had some problems with her in the past, doesn’t mean I want her to die.”