Wicked Kiss
Page 124

 Michelle Rowen

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It was supposed to be the dagger that killed a demon or an angel, not this. Not because he saved my life. It wasn’t fair.
“Both of you are dead,” Kraven snarled, moving toward Carly and Stephen.
“No!” I leaped up from the ground and ran over to block them.
“Get out of my way.”
“Not a chance.”
His eyes blazed bright red. “You don’t think I’ll use this on you, too?”
I had no doubt he would if he had to. None at all. “I knew you still cared about your brother. This is proof.”
“And now he’s dead. Still not too late—the Hollow didn’t take his body. Still a chance to make this right, but the barrier needs to go. This mission needs to end.”
“I agree.” I turned to face Carly and Stephen.
“Sam, do something! Help me!” Tears streamed down Carly’s cheeks.
“Kill me,” Stephen said, his expression stone.
“No!” Jordan shrieked. “Don’t—please don’t!”
He didn’t look at her, instead his gaze moved to me. “I deserve to die after what I’ve done to Jordan, to you. To...other people—so many other people. I can’t take any of it back.”
“You’re right,” I said. “You can’t take it back. But death’s not an option. Not tonight. And not for anybody else.”
Please let this work.
I slid my fingernail into the locket and opened it up. There was something inside, something that shimmered like a translucent ribbon. I pulled it out to see that it was so long and so wide to be able to fit into something so small. I held it in my hand, mesmerized by its beauty and warmth.
My soul.
Be normal again, I know it’s what you  want.
“Not anymore, Bishop,” I said aloud. “Not without you.”
Not wasting another second, I tore the soul into two pieces and shoved them each into Carly’s and Stephen’s mouths. They gasped and choked as if I was making them swallow something large and unpleasant.
Please work. Please.
Both gasped, inhaling sharply. The halved soul disappeared into the two grays.
Then there was another tremor—although this one felt more like a lightning strike.
“Don’t know how,” Kraven muttered. “But you did it, sweetness. Congrats.”
Connor and Roth looked at each other with shock as they both let go of Carly and Stephen at the exact same time. I spun around to see Bishop lying so still on the ground. Not moving. Not breathing.
Then the sky flashed with bright, white light and another thunderclap shook the world beneath my feet. The flash of light momentarily blinded me and I shielded my eyes from its glare. The skies darkened again an instant later and I looked around, stunned.
Bishop was gone, a scorch mark where he’d been lying the only evidence he’d ever been here.
Same for Kraven, Connor and Roth.
They were gone.
It had worked. The last of the grays were gone and the barrier had disappeared immediately. The team had been pulled back to Heaven and Hell.
A sob rose in my throat.
Someone grabbed me, pulling me to them and hugging me hard. It was Jordan.
“I thought— Oh, God. You’re alive. You’re, like, seriously the most bizarre person I’ve ever met in my life, but you’re alive. And I’m alive. And...Stephen...”
Stephen and Carly had fallen to the ground, both unconscious.
I rushed toward my friend as she started to come to. Jordan limped over to where Stephen lay and gripped his shoulders as he blinked up at her.
“What...?” he began. “Where am I?”
Carly pushed up from the ground. “Uh, what happened? Why was I lying on my back in a parking lot?”
“What do you remember?” I asked tentatively.
“Crave. We went there to confront Stephen about being a total dick to you. You met up with that hot guy named Bishop and totally blew me off. Nice, by the way. And now I’m here.” She glanced to her left and made a face. “Hey, the total dick’s here, too. Oh, and Jordan Fitzpatrick. Awesome.”
Jordan and I exchanged a glance.
“What about you?” Jordan asked Stephen. “What do you remember?”
He rubbed his forehead. “I also remember being at Crave. I’d come back to visit you. University sucked and...I don’t know. Nothing’s working out the way I wanted it to, except, well, I needed to see you.” He frowned deeply. “That’s it. That’s all I remember...and now I’m here.”
They didn’t remember being grays and they didn’t remember losing their souls.
They had no idea I’d given my soul to save their lives.
And Bishop had sacrificed his existence to save mine.
“You fixed them. You did it.” Jordan’s voice was hoarse. She reached out and pulled me into another tight hug. “And for the record, I remember. I remember everything, okay? You’re not alone.”
I was glad to hear it. But all I could do right now was nod as the tears streamed down my cheeks.
Chapter 37
I guess you could say life went back to normal after that night.
Normal, however, was a relative term now.
Carly and Stephen didn’t remember anything about being grays. It was for the best, especially for Stephen. He’d unquestionably done some bad things. To have to live with that now that he understood what he’d done wrong when his morals had been unnaturally off balance, well...I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. Which Stephen actually was for a short time.