Wicked Kiss
Page 127

 Michelle Rowen

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Without another word, he strolled away down the path. I watched him leave, shaking my head with disbelief.
“So you two are...reconciled?” I ventured.
“Let’s just say, it’s an interesting work in progress. I guess we’re going to have lots of time to spend with each other to see what happens.” He curled his hand around mine. Touching him was pure bliss, something I never thought I’d experience again.
Then he let out a low snort of laughter.
“What’s so funny?” I asked.
“Nothing, it’s just—it seems that the inconvenient addiction of mine, the moth to the flame...hasn’t gone anywhere, after all. I guess it was more than that all along.”
I couldn’t help but smile at that. “I knew it.”
“You did?”
“Well, I knew it for me.” I shook my head, looking up at him, still stunned this was real. “So we’re just two unsouled supernatural beings now who go to high school together and are kind of crazy about each other, huh?”
His blue-eyed gaze met mine and held. “Pretty much, with varying degrees of crazy. Does that work for you?”
I pulled his face down to mine and kissed him. “It works just fine.”
Bishop was back. He was my guardian angel. And just like rebuilding his relationship with his brother, we now had plenty of time to see what might happen next.
I honestly couldn’t wait.