Wicked Kiss
Page 26

 Michelle Rowen

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“I just think it would be safer if you stayed here. Take the day to rest and reflect. I’ll let you know if we learn anything.”
“Rest and reflect?” I repeated, dumbfounded.
“Exactly. Have a lovely day.” Without another word she was gone, out the front door. I watched through the kitchen window as she walked down the driveway and disappeared around the corner.
Rest and reflect? Seriously?
Needless to say, there was very little resting. Lots of reflecting, though, as I thought and overthought everything over the next couple of hours.
Even without being around anyone to trigger my hunger, I still felt it pushing in at the edges, gnawing on my control like a dog with a bone. Taking part of Colin’s soul last night had barely satisfied me for a couple hours.
It scared me—especially with too much time to think and nobody around to distract me.
I flipped through the newspaper only to see another article about two more mysterious deaths in the city. Police were stumped. There was no cause of death that could be determined, no sign of murder or disease. It was as if the victims had just stopped living. The only clue that the deaths were connected was the strange black lines around their mouths.
I forced myself to stop reading the article and flipped to another about three teens who’d committed suicide on Friday night. They didn’t go to my school and I didn’t recognize the names, but it also sent a chill through me.
There was no good news in Trinity to be found today, it would seem. It wasn’t just me who was in trouble in this city. Everybody—even those not touched by the supernatural—was at risk.
Studying was my strong point. It got me good grades. It should be able to help me get the answers I needed to help myself and other people at risk right now. I went on the internet and searched for more information about nexi, the spawn of angels and demons.
I found nothing helpful. At all.
After a full half hour of staring at the screen, a scream of frustration rose in my throat, but I forced it back down and tried to think rationally. Who my birth parents were was something I had no control over. I needed to refocus my energy and attention on what I could control: my goal of finding Stephen and retrieving my soul. I’d deal with what it meant to be a nexus after I did everything I could to fix my immediate problems, lose my hunger and have the chance to be close to Bishop (or anyone else, for that matter) without...difficulties.
I grabbed the landline to call Stephen’s house, which was only two doors down from my own. My cell phone had taken up permanent residence in my nightstand drawer. Grays had a weird supernatural vibe that messed with the signal and made phones like that completely useless to me.
His mother picked up. I shakily asked if she’d heard from him lately and where he might be. She had no information for me—and yet again, she said she was sorry. This wasn’t the first call I’d made to the Keyes residence in the last week. I’m sure his mother thought I was obsessed with her son. I was. But not for the reason she might think.
Discouraged, I hung up after saying a hurried goodbye. I stood in the center of my bedroom, my fists clenched at my sides, feeling utterly helpless and alone.
I hated feeling that I had no control over my life anymore.
Cassandra told me to stay home and let the “professionals” handle this. Well, I’d decided I wholeheartedly disagreed. I would go to the church and get my answers, even if it was just to grill Bishop about his mysterious past.
Just as I’d pulled my coat on and started for the front door, the phone rang. I almost ignored it, but something drove me to pick it up.
I picked up the phone. “Hello?”
I froze. He’d only said my name, but I knew the voice. My grip on the receiver tightened. “Stephen?”
“I need to talk to you.”
My words tripped over themselves in a hurry to escape my mouth. “Where’s my soul? Where’s Carly’s soul?”
“I have to see you in person.” There was a short hesitation. “Look, I know you hate me...”
I had to slump down in the nearest chair since my legs gave out. “I just want to be normal again.” The words bubbled up my throat before I could hold them back. I knew very well that it couldn’t ever happen. Even if I wasn’t a gray, being the secret daughter of an angel and a demon had made me abnormal from the day I was born. It didn’t matter that I’d only recently learned the truth.
“Meet me at the Trinity Mall,” he said. “On the fourth floor by the railing. It’s busy there today so you don’t have to worry about me doing anything threatening, if that’s what you’re afraid of.”
I stood up and pressed my back against the wall for support. “Everything about you is threatening, Stephen.”
“Don’t bring one of your new friends.”
“Why wouldn’t I bring all of them? You’re the bad guy here, remember?”
“I’m not as bad as you might think. We’re the same. We should be on the same side.”
My grip tightened on the phone. “I’m on my own side. Nobody else’s.”
“Then you should want all the information you can get about what’s to come. Meet me there in an hour.”
He hung up.
I stared at the phone before I finally placed it back on its base.
I’d been searching for him for a week and had come up with nothing but air. If Stephen didn’t want to be found, then he wouldn’t be found. But now he wanted to talk to me.