Thirty-Three and a Half Shenanigans
Page 86

 Denise Grover Swank

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“I don’t know. Joe’s supposed to stop by in a bit so we can discuss it.”
“I’m going to get ready, and then I’ll come by to see you.”
The third missed call was from Neely Kate.
“How’s Mason?” she asked when I called her.
I realized I hadn’t checked in with her or Bruce Wayne at all the previous afternoon. She didn’t know Mason’s “accident” had truly been a murder attempt. “He’s better.”
“What time do you want to go look for Billy Jack?”
I realized I’d never solved that piece of the puzzle. Where did Billy Jack fit into the mix with Mason and/or Skeeter? What had Seth’s friend meant when he said it was too bad about Billy Jack? “I overslept. I’m going to go check on Mason at the hospital, then we can go.”
“Oh my stars and garters! I thought he just needed stitches in his head!” she said, alarmed. “Is he all right? Why didn’t you call me? You must be a nervous wreck!”
I scrunched my eyes shut. “No, he’s okay. Really. And I’m okay. I’ll tell you about it in a bit. How about I pick you up after I see Mason?”
“Okay . . .”
“I’ll explain everything. I promise.”
Maeve was in the kitchen, kneading dough on her table when I wandered out.
“Are you making homemade bread?” I asked as my stomach growled.
She laughed. “Yes, but it sounds like you need something to eat sooner. There’s a coffee cake on the counter and a fresh pot of coffee.”
I picked up a cake knife next to the plate and started slicing. “You’re spoiling me, Maeve.”
“You must be hungry after being gone so late last night.”
I hesitated, then continued cutting. “Why do you say that?”
“My car is the next block over.”
“I . . .”
She stopped kneading and turned around to face me. “I’m not sure what you were up to, and I’m not going to ask. But I suspect it had something to do with Mason. Am I correct?”
I studied her face for a couple of seconds.
“Something’s goin’ on that Mason doesn’t want me to know about. Am I right?”
I could lie to her, but I didn’t want to. “Yeah.”
“Just be careful, Rose. Mason would be devastated if you got hurt doing something to help him.”
“I know.” I gave her a grim smile. “Are you going to tell him?”
“If he specifically asks if you went out last night, I won’t lie to him, but otherwise I’ll keep it to myself.”
“Thank you.” I paused. “For what it’s worth. I think he’s safe now.”
Relief filled her eyes. “Thank you.”
After I got ready, she offered to watch Muffy while I went to see Mason and help Neely Kate. But she looked a bit nervous.
“I know Violet will be working over at the nursery today,” she said. “What would you think about me going to help her?”
My eyes widened. “Oh.”
“If you’re not comfortable with it, I completely understand. I know you two aren’t getting along right now.”
“We’re working on it,” I said, “but I think it’s a great idea. Violet needs the help, and even if I wasn’t busy today . . . I just can’t.”
“I know, Rose. Give it time.”
Violet and I were going to need more than time.
Once I got to the hospital, I had to get through two guards to get into Mason’s room. He was on the phone and pacing when I walked up to him. He looked over at me, and a grin tugged at his lips. “I have to go,” he said, then hung up, sliding his phone into the front pocket of his jeans. “You’re a sight for sore eyes.”
He pulled me into a hug and kissed me, showing me how much he’d missed me.
“We need to get you home,” I murmured against his lips. “Soon.”
“I like the sound of that. We’ll have to wait and hear what Joe’s found out.”
Stupid me. I hadn’t stopped to consider that I couldn’t tell Joe or Mason what I’d found out with Skeeter last night. “Does he have any leads?”
“Last time I talked to him, no.”
I tried to hide my disappointment. I had to figure out a way for Joe to discover what I already knew—who’d been out to get Mason.
“What do you have planned today?” he asked.
“Neely Kate and I are going to try to track down Dolly’s ex-boyfriend so we can talk to him again.”
“I don’t—”
The door opened, and Mason tensed, putting himself between me and the door—the first time he’d shown how seriously he was taking this situation.
“Relax,” Joe said. “It’s just me.”
“Did you find something?” I asked, stepping around Mason.
Joe’s gaze landed on me. “No,” he admitted with a sigh. “But we’ve got a few leads.”
Crappy doodles. I really needed to figure out how to tell them.
“That’s something,” Mason said.
“Well, there’s something else . . .” Joe didn’t look too happy to admit it. “We’re going to move you to a safe house.”
“Where?” I asked.
Joe gave me a grim smile. “It wouldn’t be a safe house if I told you, now would it?”