Thirty-Three and a Half Shenanigans
Page 87

 Denise Grover Swank

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“Can I go with him?”
“No,” both men said.
Their answer didn’t surprise me. “How long will he be in hiding?”
“Until I know the threat’s eliminated.” Joe took a couple of steps into the room. “Rose, I need you to say goodbye to Mason and take off.”
“We have some official matters to discuss.”
I hesitated, and Mason’s eyes found mine. “It’s okay, Rose.”
I nodded. I knew he was probably safe now. Skeeter would take care of the threat against him, if he hadn’t already, but I was still nervous. I had a hunch that Gems and Dolly Parton’s disappearance were connected to Mason somehow. I just couldn’t put it together.
“One more thing, Rose,” Joe said. “Until we know the threat is gone, you’re going to have a deputy shadow.”
If I was actually in danger, I would have been relieved. Instead, I had a feeling this was going to be a huge hindrance. “Shouldn’t you have all your deputies working on Mason’s case?”
“Assigning you a deputy is working on Mason’s case.”
“Is it Deputy Miller?”
He grinned. “The deputy’s waiting outside the door for you.”
Mason turned to Joe. “Can you give us a moment?”
Joe mumbled something under his breath and left the room.
Mason tugged me flush against him, wrapping an arm around my back and looking into my eyes. “Rose, it’s not safe to go traipsing around Fenton County right now. I know you’re hanging out with Neely Kate today, so why don’t you two do something low key? Maybe you could go get pedicures, my treat.”
“I’ll be fine. Just come home soon, okay?”
His smile fell. “I’m not sure when I’ll get to talk to you again. I won’t be able to make any calls.”
“Oh.” I wasn’t sure why I was surprised. “But—”
He lowered his mouth to mine and kissed me until I was breathless. When he finally pulled away, he said, “Don’t forget me while I’m gone.”
“Not likely.” I gave him one last kiss. “Be safe.”
“You too.”
I opened the door and found Joe leaning his shoulder against the wall.
“Ready?” he asked.
His grin was back. “Deputy Hoffstetter is ready to escort you.”
“Deputy Hoffstetter?” I asked in dismay. “She hates me!”
His grin turned ornery. “Maybe so, but she’ll watch you like a hawk hopin’ to catch you doing something you shouldn’t be doin’. I can’t think of anyone more determined to watch your every move.”
That’s precisely what had me worried.
Chapter Twenty-Five
Deputy Abbie Lee Hoffstetter was waiting for me at the end of the hall. Her red hair was pulled back into a bun, and her hands were on her hips. She eyed me like I was a three-day-old tuna sandwich on rye.
“Well, well, well, Ms. Gardner,” she said. She took a step toward me and stood with her feet shoulder-width apart. “You and I get to spend some quality time together.” Her eyes narrowed. “Thanks for that.”
I stopped in front of her and tilted my head. “I don’t know why you have a bee in your bonnet about me, but I don’t have time to sort it out. I have pressing issues to attend to.”
“Like stirring up trouble? Chief Deputy Simmons doesn’t have time to run after you, and Mr. Deveraux’s currently incapacitated. Thanks to your previous bad choices, I get to babysit.”
“Look, you obviously don’t want to spend time with me, and I don’t need you, so why don’t we part ways and go about our own business? Individually.”
“Not likely.” Her eyes squinted to slits. “The chief deputy has assigned me this job, and as much as I detest it, I’m going to show him what a great deputy I am.”
This was never gonna work. “Okay. If you insist on tagging along, let’s go.”
“Tagging along?” she sneered. “There’s no tagging along. I’m taking you into protective custody.”
“Chief Deputy Simmons didn’t mention that part?”
There was no way I was going anywhere with this woman. I made a dash past her and hurried down the hall, the deputy on my heels.
I ran down the stairs and made a bolt for the exit. Deputy Hoffstetter caught up with me as I was opening my car door.
“You’re gonna wish you hadn’t done that,” she said, out of breath.
“Am I under arrest?” I asked. “Because unless I’m under arrest, I think I can go wherever I want.”
She grunted, her lips curling. “My job is to protect you. You’re not making that easy.”
“Mason should be your priority, not me. I don’t need protection.”
She smirked at me. “And how do you know that?”
Oh, crappy doodles. “Just a gut feeling. Now I’ve gotta go.” I climbed inside my car and locked the door as she pulled on the handle.
“Open the door! Where are you going?”
I started the car and backed up.
“Stop that car!” she shouted, jumping in front of it to block my path.
Now what was I gonna do?
She grinned. “That’s right. You’re not going anywhere.”