Viper's Run
Page 43

 Jamie Begley

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“You’re going to wrinkle my dress,” Winter protested, smiling.
“Then you shouldn’t make me want to take it off.” His mouth teased her neck.
“Stop. I have to finish getting ready or Evie and Beth will leave without me,” she said while brushing her hair, then putting down the brush. Winter fluffed her bangs before putting in her earrings.
Viper put his hands in the air stepping back. “Wouldn’t want you to miss church. You need to go, get all the help you can get being wicked and all.”
“Stop saying that.” Winter blushed.
Viper pulled on his boots, sliding his bike keys into his pocket. “Nope, I like a little wicked, pretty girl.”
Winter shook her head at his teasing. She turned to pick up her jacket, pulling it on to find him waiting by the door.
“What are you going to do with yourself today?” She asked curiously.
“Go for a run with a few of the brothers.”
“That sounds like fun.” Winter said absently, searching through her purse for her lipstick. Evie and Beth were waiting for her downstairs. Both women smiled as Viper buried his hand in her hair, tilting her head back for his kiss.
“I had to remind the good girl, the bad girl is going to get it when she get’s back.” Blushing furiously, Winter tore herself out of his arms. Viper’s laughter followed them out the door.
“Beautiful sermon, Pastor Dean,” Winter smiled at the Pastor as she exited the church.
“Thank you. It’s good to have you back, Winter.” Pastor Dean returned her smile, including Evie and Beth.
“Feels good being back, Pastor,” Winter confessed. Beth and Evie stood behind her, waiting their turn to greet the pastor. As she moved away, she accidentally bumped into another parishioner leaving.
“Excuse me.” Winter immediately recognized Randall Woods, the principal of the alternative school.
“Ms. Simmons.” Winter turned red at the insulting tone in his voice that he made no effort to hide.
“Mr. Woods, it’s nice to see you again.” Winter forced herself to be polite.
“I am surprised you had the nerve to show up in church.” His eyes went to Evie and Beth behind her. They, along with the pastor, were listening to her conversation with Randall.
Winter’s shoulders stiffened. “What do you mean by that?”
“Everyone in town is well aware of where you have been staying, hardly the place a good Christian woman should be.” His close-set eyes and tall muscular frame gave him a bullying stance as he towered over her. Now Winter understood the high rate of drop outs at the alternative school. The young adults already having issues with authority would not react well to his attitude.

“I wasn’t aware it was any of your business, but since you have decided to make it yours, then yes, I have been staying with friends during my recuperation.”
“You look fine to me.” The look he passed over Winter’s body sent blood rushing to her head in rage. It was plainly insulting and totally inappropriate standing in the doorway of a church. Evie took a step forward, but a hand on her arm held her back.
“Randall.” Pastor Dean’s calm voice drew everyone’s eyes to him.
Randall Woods arrogantly turned to the Pastor and immediately lost the insulting look on his face because of the look in Pastor Dean’s eyes.
“This is a house of worship and no one entering these doors will be treated with anything but respect. You owe Winter an apology, then I suggest you go home and read that bible in your hand and learn the real meaning of being a Christian.”
“I apologize if my comments made you uncomfortable Ms. Simmons.” With his convoluted apology, he glanced back at the Pastor and murmured his goodbyes before hastily retreating.
“I am sorry Winter,” Pastor Dean said.
“You have nothing to apologize for. It’s not your fault he’s a jerk.” Winter tried to ease the tension, aware of the curious eyes on her.
“I must not be doing something right if one of my parishioners can act that way right after one of my sermons. Goodwill towards man should last a little longer than it takes to get out of the church door,” he said ironically.
“I agree Pastor, that’s why I’m going to shrug it off and go across the street and eat a huge stack of pancakes.” Everyone laughed and the tension evaporated. The women walked across the street and found a table at the busy diner. Beth and Evie avoided rehashing the embarrassing event. Slowly Winter relaxed, sitting back in her chair smiling and laughing as they discussed Beth’s wedding plans.
“Next weekend, I’m going to Lexington with Lily and her roommate to pick out a few things for the wedding.” Beth said, watching Winter steal one of Evie’s biscuits with a smile.
“Sounds like fun.”
“I think so. I have to leave early Friday. I have a meeting with the counselor who has been working with Lily since the bikers grabbed her,” Beth said.
“How is she doing?” Winter asked, concerned.
“Really well, this counselor is good for her.” That was all she would say before changing the subject to what to cook for dinner. It was her turn, and with Rider still serving his punishment, she wanted ideas for something simple to cook.
“Why don’t you let me handle it tonight? You look tired after working all week,” Winter offered. Beth looked tempted to accept.
“I shouldn’t…” Beth said uncertainly.
Winter airily waved her hand in the air. “Let me handle it. I know just what to fix.”
“If you’re sure?”
“I’m positive,” Winter said with a grin.
“Since you’re in the mood to grant favors, could I ask for another one?” Beth asked, watching as Winter swiped one of her pancakes.
“Yes.” Winter smiled, pouring the syrup over the stolen pancake.
“I always do Ton’s shopping on Fridays. If I get everything, could you take them to his house on Friday?”
“I can do that.” Winter finished eating the huge breakfast she had ordered. Afterwards, they went back to their car in the church parking lot. Beth and Winter discussed the children in their Sunday school classes as Evie drove home.
The house was quiet as they walked through the door. The men’s bikes weren’t out front, so Winter assumed they were still out on their run. Evie and Beth went to their rooms, joking they needed a nap after their huge brunch. Winter went to Viper’s room and quickly changed clothes before going back downstairs. She worked out for a solid hour before going upstairs to shower and change.
Deciding to get started on an early dinner, thinking the men would come in hungry, Winter went to the kitchen. Looking through the supplies and freezer, she decided on a large meatloaf because it would feed a huge number of the members. Going to the boxes that she had brought back from her house, she also decide on another course for those who didn’t want the meatloaf. Going to the freezer again and pulling out a couple of packs of hotdogs, Winter got busy. An hour later, Winter was putting the potatoes on to boil when she heard the front door open and loud voices as the members returned. The bottled water that she had picked up almost slipped from her hand when Train and Rider came through the kitchen doorway with the others. Several of the men had obviously been in a fight.